
The Daily Star Editorial

August 24, 2020
The Daily Star Editorial
āĻļিāĻ°োāĻ¨াāĻŽ: File cases against the elephant killers and poachers
=āĻšাāĻ¤ি āĻšāĻ¤্āĻ¯াāĻ•াāĻ°ী āĻ“ āĻļিāĻ•াāĻ°ীāĻĻেāĻ° āĻŦিāĻ°ুāĻĻ্āĻ§ে āĻŽাāĻŽāĻ˛া āĻ•āĻ°ুāĻ¨;
=āĻŽাāĻŽāĻ˛া āĻĻিāĻ¨ āĻšাāĻ¤ি āĻšāĻ¤্āĻ¯াāĻ•াāĻ°ী āĻ“ āĻļিāĻ•াāĻ°ীāĻĻেāĻ° āĻŦিāĻ°ুāĻĻ্āĻ§ে;
Officials should be held responsible for manipulating the autopsy reports
=āĻŽā§ŸāĻ¨া āĻ¤āĻĻāĻ¨্āĻ¤ āĻ°িāĻĒোāĻ°্āĻŸ āĻ•াāĻ°āĻ¸াāĻœি āĻ•āĻ°াāĻ° āĻœāĻ¨্āĻ¯ āĻ•āĻ°্āĻŽāĻ•āĻ°্āĻ¤াāĻĻেāĻ° āĻĻাā§Ÿী āĻ•āĻ°া āĻ‰āĻšিāĻ¤;
Prepared by: Md Mohiuddin
āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻĨāĻŽে āĻļāĻŦ্āĻĻাāĻ°্āĻĨāĻ—ুāĻ˛ি āĻœেāĻ¨ে āĻ¨িāĻ‡
ā§§। File cases -āĻŽাāĻŽāĻ˛া āĻĻাā§ŸেāĻ° āĻ•āĻ°া;
ā§¨। against the elephant killers-āĻšাāĻ¤ি āĻšāĻ¤্āĻ¯াāĻ•াāĻ°ীāĻĻেāĻ° āĻŦিāĻ°ুāĻĻ্āĻ§ে;
ā§Š। poachers-āĻļিāĻ•াāĻ°ীāĻĻেāĻ°;
ā§Ē। Officials-āĻ•āĻ°্āĻŽāĻ•āĻ°্āĻ¤াāĻ°া;
ā§Ģ। should be held responsible (for)-āĻĻাā§Ÿী āĻ•āĻ°া āĻ‰āĻšিāĻ¤ āĻšāĻŦে;
ā§Ŧ। for manipulating-āĻ•াāĻ°āĻ¸াāĻœি/āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ­াāĻŦ āĻŦিāĻ¸্āĻ¤াāĻ° āĻ•āĻ°াāĻ° āĻœāĻ¨্āĻ¯;
ā§­। the autopsy reports-āĻŽā§ŸāĻ¨া āĻ¤āĻĻāĻ¨্āĻ¤ āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ¤িāĻŦেāĻĻāĻ¨;
ā§Ž। It is most unfortunate that-āĻāĻŸ āĻ…āĻ¤্āĻ¯āĻ¨্āĻ¤ āĻĻু:āĻ–āĻœāĻ¨āĻ• āĻ¯ে;
ā§¯। forest ministry officials-āĻŦāĻ¨ āĻŽāĻ¨্āĻ¤্āĻ°āĻŖাāĻ˛ā§ŸেāĻ° āĻ•āĻ°্āĻŽāĻ•āĻ°্āĻ¤া;
ā§§ā§Ļ। of Chattogram  region-āĻšāĻŸ্āĻŸāĻ—্āĻ°াāĻŽ āĻ…āĻž্āĻšāĻ˛েāĻ°;
ā§§ā§§। have been manipulating -āĻ•াāĻ°āĻ¸াāĻœি āĻ•āĻ°েāĻ›ে;
ā§§ā§¨। the autopsy reports of the dead wild  elephants-āĻŽৃāĻ¤ āĻŦāĻ¨্āĻ¯ āĻšাāĻ¤িāĻ° āĻŽā§ŸāĻ¨া āĻ¤āĻĻāĻ¨্āĻ¤ে;
ā§§ā§Š। in the area-āĻāĻ˛াāĻ•াā§Ÿ (āĻšāĻŸ্āĻŸāĻ—্āĻ°াāĻŽে);
ā§§ā§Ē। apparently-āĻāĻŸা āĻ¸্āĻĒāĻˇ্āĻŸ āĻ¯ে;
ā§§ā§Ģ। to avoid animosity-āĻļāĻ¤্āĻ°ুāĻ¤া/āĻŦিāĻĻ্āĻŦেāĻˇ āĻā§œাāĻ¨োāĻ° āĻœāĻ¨্āĻ¯;
ā§§ā§Ŧ। with locals-āĻ¸্āĻĨাāĻ¨ীā§ŸāĻĻেāĻ° āĻ¸াāĻĨে;
ā§§ā§­। responsible for the deaths-āĻŽৃāĻ¤্āĻ¯ুāĻ° āĻœāĻ¨্āĻ¯ āĻĻাā§Ÿী;
ā§§ā§Ž। tamper-āĻ…āĻŦৈāĻ§ āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ­াāĻŦ āĻŦিāĻ¸্āĻ¤াāĻ° āĻ•āĻ°া;
ā§§ā§¯। attribute-āĻ•াāĻ°āĻŖ/āĻ‰ā§ŽāĻ¸ āĻ°ূāĻĒে āĻ—āĻŖ্āĻ¯ āĻ•āĻ°া;
ā§¨ā§Ļ। They tamper with the reports-āĻ¤াāĻ°া āĻ°িāĻĒোāĻ°্āĻŸে āĻ…āĻŦৈāĻ§ āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ­াāĻŦ āĻŦিāĻ¸্āĻ¤াāĻ°্ āĻ•āĻ°ে;
ā§¨ā§§। by attributing  the deaths to natural causes- āĻŽৃāĻ¤্āĻ¯ুāĻ° āĻĒ্āĻ°াāĻ•ৃāĻ¤িāĻ•/āĻ¸্āĻŦাāĻ­াāĻŦিāĻ• āĻ•াāĻ°āĻŖ āĻ‰āĻ˛্āĻ˛েāĻ– āĻ•āĻ°ে;
ā§¨ā§¨। rarely file cases against the elephant  killers-āĻ–ুāĻŦ āĻ•āĻŽāĻ‡ āĻšাāĻ¤ি āĻšāĻ¤্āĻ¯াāĻ•াāĻ°ীāĻĻেāĻ° āĻŦিāĻ°ুāĻĻ্āĻ§ে āĻŽাāĻŽāĻ˛া āĻ•āĻ°ে (āĻ¤াāĻ°া);
ā§¨ā§Š। In the last two months-āĻ—āĻ¤ āĻĻুāĻ‡ āĻŽাāĻ¸ে;
ā§¨ā§Ē। three Asian elephants-āĻ¤িāĻ¨āĻŸি āĻāĻļীā§Ÿ āĻšাāĻ¤ি;
ā§¨ā§Ģ। classified as-(āĻšিāĻ¸েāĻŦে) āĻļ্āĻ°েāĻŖিāĻ­ুāĻ•্āĻ¤ āĻ•āĻ°েāĻ›ে;
ā§¨ā§Ŧ। "critically endangered"-āĻ¸āĻ™্āĻ•āĻŸāĻœāĻ¨āĻ•āĻ­াāĻŦে āĻুāĻ•িāĻĒূāĻ°্āĻŖ;
ā§¨ā§­। in Bangladesh-āĻŦাংāĻ˛াāĻĻেāĻļে;
ā§¨ā§Ž। died at the Kalipur range office  of Banshkhali upazila-āĻŦাāĻļāĻ–াāĻ˛ী āĻ‰āĻĒāĻœেāĻ˛াāĻ° āĻ•াāĻ˛িāĻĒুāĻ° āĻ†āĻž্āĻšāĻ˛িāĻ• āĻ…āĻĢিāĻ¸ে āĻŽাāĻ°া āĻ¯াā§Ÿ;
ā§¨ā§¯। which falls under the jurisdiction of Chattogram  Divisional Forest Office (South)-āĻ¯েāĻŸা āĻšāĻŸ্āĻŸāĻ—্āĻ°াāĻŽ āĻŦিāĻ­াāĻ—ীā§Ÿ āĻŦāĻ¨ āĻ•াāĻ°্āĻ¯াāĻ˛ā§Ÿ (āĻĻāĻ•্āĻˇিāĻŖ) āĻāĻ° āĻ†āĻ“āĻ¤াāĻ­ুāĻ•্āĻ¤;
ā§Šā§Ļ। The autopsy reports said that-āĻŽā§ŸāĻ¨া āĻ¤āĻĻāĻ¨্āĻ¤ āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ¤িāĻŦেāĻĻāĻ¨ে āĻŦāĻ˛া āĻšā§ŸেāĻ›ে āĻ¯ে;
ā§Šā§§। all of  them died of natural causes-āĻ¸āĻŦ āĻšাāĻ¤ি āĻĒ্āĻ°াāĻ•ৃāĻ¤িāĻ• āĻ•াāĻ°āĻŖে āĻŽাāĻ°া āĻ—েāĻ›ে;
ā§Šā§Š। evidence found by locals suggest that- āĻ¸্āĻĨাāĻ¨ীā§ŸāĻĻেāĻ° āĻ§াāĻ°āĻŖা āĻ†āĻ˛াāĻŽāĻ¤ āĻĒাāĻ“ā§Ÿা āĻ—েāĻ›ে āĻ¯ে;
ā§Šā§Ē।  they could have died by electrocution-āĻŦিāĻĻ্āĻ¯ুā§Ž āĻ¸্āĻĒāĻˇ্āĻŸ āĻšā§Ÿে āĻšাāĻ¤িāĻ—ুāĻ˛ি āĻŽাāĻ°া āĻ¯েā§Ÿে āĻĨাāĻ•āĻ¤ে āĻĒাāĻ°ে;
ā§Šā§Ģ। as electric metal wires-āĻ•াāĻ°āĻŖ āĻŦৈāĻĻ্āĻ¯ুāĻ¤িāĻ• āĻ˛োāĻšাāĻ° āĻ¤াāĻ°;
ā§Šā§Ŧ। were found  near the scenes-āĻ˜āĻŸāĻ¨াāĻ¸্āĻĨāĻ˛েāĻ° āĻĒাāĻļে āĻĒাāĻ“ā§Ÿা āĻ—েāĻ›ে;
ā§Šā§­। When a livestock official-āĻ¯āĻ–āĻ¨ āĻāĻ•āĻœāĻ¨ āĻĒāĻļু āĻ•āĻ°্āĻŽāĻ•āĻ°্āĻ¤া;
ā§Šā§Ž। tried to reveal-āĻ‰āĻĻāĻ˜াāĻŸāĻ¨ āĻ•āĻ°াāĻ° āĻšেāĻˇ্āĻŸা āĻ•āĻ°েāĻ¨ (āĻ•āĻ°āĻ˛েāĻ¨);
ā§Šā§¯। the real  cause of their deaths-āĻšাāĻ¤িāĻ—ুāĻ˛িāĻ° āĻŽৃāĻ¤্āĻ¯ুāĻ° āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ•ৃāĻ¤ āĻ•াāĻ°āĻŖ;
ā§Ēā§Ļ। in the autopsy reports-āĻŽā§ŸāĻ¨া āĻ¤āĻĻāĻ¨্āĻ¤ āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ¤িāĻŦেāĻĻāĻ¨ে;
ā§Ēā§§। he was intimidated by the  forest ministry officials-āĻŦāĻ¨ āĻŽāĻ¨্āĻ¤্āĻ°āĻŖাāĻ˛ā§ŸেāĻ° āĻ•āĻ°্āĻŽāĻ•āĻ°্āĻ¤াāĻ°া āĻ¤াāĻ•ে āĻ­ā§Ÿ āĻĻেāĻ–িā§ŸেāĻ›িāĻ˛;
ā§Ēā§¨। According to forest department data-āĻŦāĻ¨ āĻŦিāĻ­াāĻ—েāĻ° āĻ¤āĻĨ্āĻ¯ āĻŽāĻ¤ে;
ā§Ēā§Š। a total of 106 elephants died in  the Chattogram Forest Circle-āĻšāĻŸ্āĻŸāĻ—্āĻ°াāĻŽ āĻŦāĻ¨াāĻž্āĻšāĻ˛ে āĻŽোāĻŸ ā§§ā§Ļā§ŦāĻŸি āĻšাāĻ¤ি āĻŽাāĻ°া āĻ—েāĻ›ে;
ā§Ēā§Ē। in Cox's Bazar, parts of Bandarban,  Chattogram city, and Rangamati-āĻ•āĻ•্āĻ¸āĻŦাāĻœাāĻ°ে, āĻŦাāĻ¨্āĻĻāĻ°āĻŦাāĻ¨ āĻ…āĻž্āĻšāĻ˛ে, āĻšāĻŸ্āĻŸāĻ—্āĻ°াāĻŽ āĻļāĻšāĻ°ে āĻāĻŦং āĻ°াāĻ™াāĻŽাāĻŸিāĻ¤ে;
ā§Ēā§Ģ। in the last 19 years.-āĻ—āĻ¤ ā§§ā§¯ āĻŦāĻ›āĻ°ে;
ā§Ēā§Ŧ। But surprisingly-āĻ¤āĻŦে āĻ†āĻļ্āĻšāĻ°্āĻ¯েāĻ° āĻŦিāĻˇā§Ÿ āĻšāĻ˛ো;
ā§Ēā§­। only two cases and 74 general diaries-āĻŽাāĻ¤্āĻ° ā§¨āĻŸি āĻŽাāĻŽāĻ˛া āĻāĻŦং ā§­ā§ĒāĻŸি āĻ¸াāĻ§াāĻ°āĻŖ āĻĄাā§ŸেāĻ°ি(āĻœিāĻĄি);
ā§Ēā§Ž। were filed by the forest  department-āĻŦāĻ¨ āĻŦিāĻ­াāĻ— āĻ•āĻ°্āĻ¤ৃāĻ• āĻĻাā§ŸেāĻ° āĻ•āĻ°া āĻšā§ŸেāĻ›ে;
ā§Ēā§¯। in relation to these deaths-āĻāĻ—ুāĻ˛িāĻ° āĻŽৃāĻ¤্āĻ¯ুāĻ° āĻŦিāĻˇā§Ÿে/āĻ¸āĻŽ্āĻĒāĻ°্āĻ•ে;
ā§Ģā§Ļ। during this whole period-āĻāĻ‡ āĻ—োāĻŸা āĻ¸āĻŽā§ŸāĻ•াāĻ˛ে;
ā§Ģā§§। What we do not understand is-āĻ†āĻŽāĻ°া āĻ¯েāĻŸা āĻŦুāĻিāĻ¨া āĻ¤া āĻšāĻ˛ো; āĻ†āĻŽাāĻĻেāĻ° āĻ¯া āĻŦুāĻে āĻ†āĻ¸েāĻ¨া āĻ¤াāĻšāĻ˛ো;
ā§Ģā§¨। why would the forest department not file  cases-āĻŦāĻ¨ āĻŦিāĻ­াāĻ— āĻ•েāĻ¨ āĻŽাāĻŽāĻ˛া āĻ•āĻ°েāĻ¨ি?
ā§Ģā§Š। against those who killed these endangered species?-āĻāĻ‡ āĻŦিāĻĒāĻ¨্āĻ¨ āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻœাāĻ¤িāĻ° āĻšāĻ¤্āĻ¯াāĻ•াāĻ°ীāĻĻেāĻ° āĻŦিāĻ°ুāĻĻ্āĻ§ে;
ā§Ģā§Ē। Isn't it the  forest department's duty -āĻāĻŸা āĻ•ি āĻŦāĻ¨ āĻŦিāĻ­াāĻ—েāĻ° āĻĻাā§ŸিāĻ¤্āĻŦ āĻ¨ā§Ÿ?
ā§Ģā§Ģ। to save the wildlife and biodiversity -āĻŦāĻ¨্āĻ¯āĻĒ্āĻ°াāĻŖী āĻ“ āĻœীāĻŦāĻŦৈāĻšিāĻ¤্āĻ° āĻ°āĻ•্āĻˇাāĻ°;
ā§Ģā§Ŧ।  of the  forests they are in charge of-āĻ¤াāĻ°া āĻĻাā§ŸিāĻ¤্āĻŦে āĻ†āĻ›ে āĻ¯ে āĻŦāĻ¨েāĻ° āĻ¸েāĻŸাāĻ°;
ā§Ģā§­। Another question that naturally arises  is-āĻ¸্āĻŦাāĻ­াāĻŦিāĻ•āĻ­াāĻŦে āĻ†āĻ°েāĻ•āĻŸি āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻļ্āĻ¨ āĻœাāĻ—ে āĻ¤াāĻšāĻ˛ো;
ā§Ģā§Ž। are the forest officials concerned-āĻ¸ংāĻļ্āĻ˛িāĻˇ্āĻŸ āĻŦāĻ¨ āĻ•āĻ°্āĻŽāĻ•āĻ°্āĻ¤াāĻ°া āĻ•ি?
ā§Ģā§¯। connected with the poachers-āĻļিāĻ•াāĻ°ীāĻĻেāĻ° āĻ¸াāĻĨে āĻœā§œিāĻ¤;
ā§Ŧā§Ļ।  in  any way-āĻ•োāĻ¨োāĻ­াāĻŦে;
ā§Ŧā§§। We would like to know the answers-āĻ†āĻŽāĻ°া āĻ‰āĻ¤্āĻ¤āĻ° āĻœাāĻ¨āĻ¤ে āĻšাāĻ‡;
ā§Ŧā§¨। to these questions-āĻāĻ‡ āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻļ্āĻ¨āĻ—ুāĻ˛িāĻ°;
ā§Ŧā§Š। from the  officials concerned-āĻ¸ংāĻļ্āĻ˛িāĻˇ্āĻŸ āĻ•āĻ°্āĻŽāĻ•āĻ°্āĻ¤াāĻĻেāĻ° āĻĨেāĻ•ে;
ā§Ŧā§Ē। Although we have -āĻ¯āĻĻিāĻ“ āĻ†āĻŽাāĻĻেāĻ° āĻ†āĻ›ে;
ā§Ŧā§Ģ। Wildlife (Conservation and Security) Act 2012-āĻŦāĻ¨্āĻ¯āĻĒ্āĻ°াāĻŖী (āĻ¸ংāĻ°āĻ•্āĻˇāĻŖ āĻ“ āĻ¨িāĻ°াāĻĒāĻ¤্āĻ¤া) āĻ†āĻ‡āĻ¨, ā§¨ā§Ļā§§ā§¨;
ā§Ŧā§Ŧ। through which forest officials can file a case-āĻŦāĻ¨ āĻ•āĻ°্āĻŽāĻ•āĻ°্āĻ¤াāĻ°া āĻ¯াāĻ° āĻŽাāĻ§্āĻ¯āĻŽে āĻŽাāĻŽāĻ˛া āĻĻাā§ŸেāĻ° āĻ•āĻ°āĻ¤ে āĻĒাāĻ°ে;
ā§Ŧā§­। if any wildlife is killed-āĻ¯āĻĻি āĻ•োāĻ¨ো āĻŦāĻ¨্āĻ¯āĻĒ্āĻ°াāĻŖী āĻŽাāĻ°া āĻ¯াā§Ÿ;
ā§Ŧā§Ž। within their jurisdiction-āĻ¤াāĻĻেāĻ° āĻāĻ–āĻ¤িā§ŸাāĻ°াāĻ§ীāĻ¨/āĻāĻ–āĻ¤িā§ŸাāĻ°েāĻ° āĻŽāĻ§্āĻ¯ে;
ā§Ŧā§¯। the law remains mostly unused-āĻ†āĻ‡āĻ¨āĻŸি āĻ…āĻ§িāĻ•াংāĻļ āĻ•্āĻˇেāĻ¤্āĻ°ে āĻ…āĻŦ্āĻ¯āĻŦāĻšৃāĻ¤ āĻ…āĻŦāĻ¸্āĻĨাā§Ÿ āĻ†āĻ›ে;
ā§­ā§Ļ। due to either  reluctance-āĻšā§Ÿ āĻ…āĻ¨িāĻš্āĻ›াāĻ° āĻ•াāĻ°āĻŖে;
ā§­ā§§। a lack of awareness of the officials-āĻ•āĻ°্āĻŽāĻ•āĻ°্āĻ¤াāĻĻেāĻ° āĻ¸āĻšেāĻ¤āĻ¨āĻ¤াāĻ° āĻ…āĻ­াāĻŦে;
ā§­ā§¨। What's the point of  having this law-āĻāĻ‡ āĻ†āĻ‡āĻ¨ āĻĨাāĻ•াāĻ° āĻŽাāĻ¨ে āĻ•ী/āĻ¯ুāĻ•্āĻ¤ি āĻ•ী?/āĻāĻ‡ āĻ†āĻ‡āĻ¨ āĻĨাāĻ•াāĻ° āĻĻāĻ°āĻ•াāĻ° āĻ†āĻ›ে?
ā§­ā§Š। if it is not used-āĻ¯āĻĻি āĻāĻŸি āĻŦ্āĻ¯āĻŦāĻšাāĻ° āĻ•āĻ°া āĻ¨া āĻšā§Ÿ;
ā§­ā§Ē। against the poachers and killers-āĻļিāĻ•াāĻ°ীāĻĻেāĻ° āĻ“ āĻšāĻ¤্āĻ¯াāĻ•াāĻ°ীāĻĻেāĻ° āĻŦিāĻ°ুāĻĻ্āĻ§ে;
ā§­ā§Ģ। of  wild animals-āĻŦāĻ¨্āĻ¯ āĻĒāĻļুāĻĻেāĻ°;
ā§­ā§Ŧ। If they are not brought under the purview of law -āĻ¯āĻĻি āĻāĻĻেāĻ°āĻ•ে āĻ†āĻ‡āĻ¨েāĻ° āĻ†āĻ“āĻ¤াā§Ÿ āĻ†āĻ¨া āĻ¨া āĻšā§Ÿ;
ā§­ā§­। and given  exemplary punishment-āĻāĻŦং āĻĻৃāĻˇ্āĻŸাāĻ¨্āĻ¤āĻŽূāĻ˛āĻ• āĻļাāĻ¸্āĻ¤ি āĻĻেā§Ÿা (āĻ¨া āĻšā§Ÿ);
ā§­ā§Ž। crimes against wild animals will not stop-āĻŦāĻ¨্āĻ¯ āĻĒ্āĻ°াāĻŖিāĻĻেāĻ° āĻŦিāĻ°ুāĻĻ্āĻ§ে āĻ…āĻĒāĻ°াāĻ§ āĻŦāĻ¨্āĻ§ āĻšāĻŦে āĻ¨া; āĻŦāĻ¨্āĻ¯ āĻĒ্āĻ°াāĻŖিāĻĻেāĻ° āĻŦিāĻ°ুāĻĻ্āĻ§ে āĻ…āĻĒāĻ°াāĻ§ āĻ¨িāĻŦৃāĻ¤্āĻ¤ āĻ•āĻ°া/āĻ েāĻ•াāĻ¨ো āĻ¯াāĻŦে āĻ¨া;
Prepared by: Md Mohiuddin
******āĻāĻŦাāĻ° āĻŽূāĻ˛ āĻ¸āĻŽ্āĻĒাāĻĻāĻ•ীā§ŸāĻŸি āĻĒā§œি********
File cases against the elephant killers and poachers
Officials should be held responsible for manipulating the autopsy reports
It is most unfortunate that forest ministry officials of Chattogram  region have been manipulating the autopsy reports of the dead wild  elephants in the area, apparently to avoid animosity with locals  responsible for the deaths. They tamper with the reports by attributing  the deaths to natural causes and rarely file cases against the elephant  killers.
In the last two months, three Asian elephants, classified as  "critically endangered" in Bangladesh, died at the Kalipur range office  of Banshkhali upazila, which falls under the jurisdiction of Chattogram  Divisional Forest Office (South). The autopsy reports said that all of  them died of natural causes while evidence found by locals suggest that  they could have died by electrocution as electric metal wires were found  near the scenes. When a livestock official tried to reveal the real  cause of their deaths in the autopsy reports, he was intimidated by the  forest ministry officials.
According to forest department data, a total of 106 elephants died in  the Chattogram Forest Circle—in Cox's Bazar, parts of Bandarban,  Chattogram city, and Rangamati—in the last 19 years. But surprisingly,  only two cases and 74 general diaries were filed by the forest  department in relation to these deaths during this whole period.
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What we do not understand is why would the forest department not file  cases against those who killed these endangered species? Isn't it the  forest department's duty to save the wildlife and biodiversity of the  forests they are in charge of? Another question that naturally arises  is, are the forest officials concerned connected with the poachers in  any way? We would like to know the answers to these questions from the  officials concerned.
Although we have Wildlife (Conservation and Security) Act 2012,  through which forest officials can file a case if any wildlife is killed  within their jurisdiction, the law remains mostly unused due to either  reluctance or a lack of awareness of the officials. What's the point of  having this law if it is not used against the poachers and killers of  wild animals? If they are not brought under the purview of law and given  exemplary punishment, crimes against wild animals will not stop.

Prepared by: Md Mohiuddin Sir.
★ āĻ˛িংāĻ•: āĻ‡āĻ¸āĻ˛াāĻŽিāĻ• āĻ˛াāĻ‡āĻŦ্āĻ°েāĻ°ি PDF (Google Drive)

ā§§। āĻ¸্āĻŦāĻĒ্āĻ¨ āĻ¯াāĻĻেāĻ° āĻŦিāĻ¸িāĻāĻ¸ – āĻ…āĻ­িāĻœ্āĻžāĻĻেāĻ° āĻĒāĻ°াāĻŽāĻ°্āĻļ

ā§¨। āĻŦিāĻ¸িāĻāĻ¸ āĻ¨িā§Ÿে āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻšāĻ˛িāĻ¤ ā§§ā§Ļ āĻ­ুāĻ˛ āĻ§াāĻ°āĻŖা

ā§Š। āĻŦিāĻ¸িāĻāĻ¸ (āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻļাāĻ¸āĻ¨)-āĻ•ে āĻ•েāĻ¨ āĻ¸āĻ•āĻ˛ āĻ•্āĻ¯াāĻĄাāĻ° āĻāĻ° āĻ°াāĻœা āĻŦāĻ˛া āĻšā§Ÿ

ā§Ē। āĻ¯āĻĻি āĻ•ূāĻŸāĻ¨ীāĻ¤িāĻ• āĻšāĻ¤ে āĻšাāĻ“

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ā§§ā§Ŧ। āĻ­ূāĻ—োāĻ˛ āĻ“ āĻ¨ৈāĻ¤িāĻ•āĻ¤াā§Ÿ āĻ­াāĻ˛ো āĻ•āĻ°āĻ¤ে āĻšাāĻ‡āĻ˛ে

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#āĻ“āĻ¸āĻŽাāĻ¨ি #āĻ†āĻ¤্āĻŽāĻ¸āĻŽāĻ°্āĻĒāĻŖ āĻ…āĻ¨ুāĻˇ্āĻ াāĻ¨ #āĻŽিāĻļāĻ° #Egypt ā§§. āĻŦাংāĻ˛া āĻ­াāĻˇা āĻ“ āĻ¸াāĻšিāĻ¤্āĻ¯ ā§§. āĻš্āĻ¯াāĻ¨্āĻĄāĻ¨োāĻŸ āĻāĻŦং āĻ¤āĻĨ্āĻ¯āĻŦāĻšুāĻ˛ āĻšিāĻ¤্āĻ° ā§§ā§Ļ. āĻ¨ৈāĻ¤িāĻ•āĻ¤া āĻŽূāĻ˛্āĻ¯āĻŦোāĻ§ āĻ“ āĻ¸ুāĻļাāĻ¸āĻ¨ ā§§ā§§. āĻŦিāĻ­িāĻ¨্āĻ¨ āĻĒāĻ°ীāĻ•্āĻˇাāĻ° āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻļ্āĻ¨ āĻ“ āĻ¸āĻŽাāĻ§াāĻ¨ ā§¨. āĻ‡ংāĻ°েāĻœি āĻ­াāĻˇা āĻ“ āĻ¸াāĻšিāĻ¤্āĻ¯ ā§Š. āĻŦাংāĻ˛াāĻĻেāĻļ āĻŦিāĻˇāĻ¯়াāĻŦāĻ˛ি ā§Ē. āĻ†āĻ¨্āĻ¤āĻ°্āĻœাāĻ¤িāĻ• āĻŦিāĻˇāĻ¯়াāĻŦāĻ˛ি ā§Ēā§Ļā§ĻāĻŸি āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻļ্āĻ¨োāĻ¤্āĻ¤āĻ°: āĻ•āĻŽ্āĻĒিāĻ‰āĻŸাāĻ° āĻāĻŦং āĻ•āĻŽ্āĻĒিāĻ‰āĻŸাāĻ°-āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ¯ুāĻ•্āĻ¤ি 43rd BCS ā§Ģ. āĻ­াāĻ‡āĻ­া āĻŦোāĻ°্āĻĄ ā§Ģ. āĻ­ূāĻ—োāĻ˛ (āĻŦাংāĻ˛াāĻĻেāĻļ āĻ“ āĻŦিāĻļ্āĻŦ) āĻĒāĻ°িāĻŦেāĻļ āĻ“ āĻĻুāĻ°্āĻ¯োāĻ— āĻŦ্āĻ¯āĻŦāĻ¸্āĻĨাāĻĒāĻ¨া ā§Ģā§¨ āĻĨেāĻ•ে ā§­ā§§ ā§Ŧ. āĻ¸াāĻ§াāĻ°āĻŖ āĻŦিāĻœ্āĻžাāĻ¨ ā§­ āĻŽাāĻ°্āĻš ā§­. āĻ•āĻŽ্āĻĒিāĻ‰āĻŸাāĻ° āĻ“ āĻ¤āĻĨ্āĻ¯āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ¯ুāĻ•্āĻ¤ি ā§Ž. āĻ—াāĻŖিāĻ¤িāĻ• āĻ¯ুāĻ•্āĻ¤ি ā§¯. āĻŽাāĻ¨āĻ¸িāĻ• āĻĻāĻ•্āĻˇāĻ¤া āĻ…āĻ¨ুāĻĒ্āĻ°েāĻ°āĻŖা āĻ…āĻ¨ুāĻĒ্āĻ°েāĻ°āĻŖা - Motivation āĻ†āĻ‡āĻ¨āĻ•াāĻ¨ুāĻ¨ āĻ†āĻ¨্āĻ¤āĻ°্āĻœাāĻ¤িāĻ• āĻ†āĻ¨্āĻ¤āĻ°্āĻœাāĻ¤িāĻ• āĻšুāĻ•্āĻ¤ি āĻ†āĻ¨্āĻ¤āĻ°্āĻœাāĻ¤িāĻ• āĻŦিāĻˇā§Ÿ: āĻ¸ীāĻŽাāĻ°েāĻ–া āĻ†āĻ¨্āĻ¤āĻ°্āĻœাāĻ¤িāĻ• āĻ¸ীāĻŽাāĻ°েāĻ–া āĻ†āĻĒāĻĄেāĻŸ āĻ†āĻĒāĻĄেāĻŸ āĻ¤āĻĨ্āĻ¯ āĻ†āĻŦিāĻˇ্āĻ•াāĻ° āĻ“ āĻ†āĻŦিāĻˇ্āĻ•াāĻ°āĻ• āĻ†āĻ˛োāĻšিāĻ¤ ā§§ā§§ āĻœāĻ¨ āĻ•āĻŦি-āĻ¸াāĻšিāĻ¤্āĻ¯িāĻ• āĻ“ āĻ¤াঁāĻĻেāĻ° āĻ°āĻšāĻ¨াāĻŦāĻ˛ী āĻ‡ংāĻ°েāĻœি āĻ‡ংāĻ°েāĻœি āĻ¸াāĻšিāĻ¤্āĻ¯ āĻ‰āĻĒাāĻ§ি āĻ“ āĻ›āĻĻ্āĻŽāĻ¨াāĻŽ āĻāĻŸāĻ°্āĻ¨ি āĻœেāĻ¨াāĻ°েāĻ˛ āĻāĻŦাāĻ° āĻ¯াāĻĻেāĻ° āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻĨāĻŽ āĻŦিāĻ¸িāĻāĻ¸ āĻ•āĻŽ্āĻĒিāĻ‰āĻŸাāĻ° āĻ•āĻŽ্āĻĒিāĻ‰āĻŸাāĻ° āĻ“ āĻ¤āĻĨ্āĻ¯ āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ¯ুāĻ•্āĻ¤ি āĻ—āĻŖিāĻ¤ āĻ—ুāĻ°ুāĻ¤্āĻŦāĻĒূāĻ°্āĻŖ āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻļ্āĻ¨ āĻ—ুāĻ°ুāĻ¤্āĻŦāĻĒূāĻ°্āĻŖ āĻŦৈāĻœ্āĻžাāĻ¨িāĻ• āĻ¨াāĻŽ āĻ—ুāĻ°ুāĻ¤্āĻŦāĻĒূāĻ°্āĻŖ āĻļāĻŦ্āĻĻ āĻĒāĻ°িāĻšিāĻ¤ি āĻšāĻ°্āĻ¯াāĻĒāĻĻ āĻšāĻ°্āĻ¯াāĻĒāĻĻেāĻ° āĻ•āĻŦিāĻ—āĻŖ āĻœাāĻ¤ীāĻ¯় āĻœ্āĻžাāĻ¨-āĻŦিāĻœ্āĻžাāĻ¨েāĻ° āĻļাāĻ–া āĻāĻŦং āĻœāĻ¨āĻ• āĻœ্āĻ¯াāĻŽিāĻ¤িāĻ• āĻ¸ূāĻ¤্āĻ° āĻĻেāĻļী āĻŦিāĻœ্āĻžাāĻ¨ীāĻ°া āĻ¨āĻĻ-āĻ¨āĻĻী āĻ¨āĻŦāĻŽ-āĻĻāĻļāĻŽ āĻļ্āĻ°েāĻŖিāĻ° āĻŦাংāĻ˛া āĻŦ্āĻ¯াāĻ•āĻ°āĻŖ āĻĒāĻ¤্āĻ°িāĻ•া āĻāĻŦং āĻ›āĻĻ্āĻŽāĻ¨াāĻŽ āĻĒāĻĻ āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ•āĻ°āĻŖ āĻĒāĻ°āĻ°াāĻˇ্āĻŸ্āĻ°āĻ¨ীāĻ¤ি āĻĒāĻ°াāĻŽāĻ°্āĻļ āĻĒāĻ°াāĻŽāĻ°্āĻļ V. V. V. I. āĻĒāĻ°িāĻŦেāĻļ āĻ“ āĻĻুāĻ°্āĻ¯োāĻ— āĻŦ্āĻ¯āĻŦāĻ¸্āĻĨাāĻĒāĻ¨া āĻĒāĻ°িāĻŽিāĻ¤িāĻ° (Mensuration) āĻ¸ূāĻ¤্āĻ°াāĻŦāĻ˛িāĻ¸āĻŽূāĻš āĻĒাঁāĻšāĻŽিāĻļাāĻ˛ী āĻ¤āĻĨ্āĻ¯ + āĻ¸াāĻ§াāĻ°āĻŖ āĻœ্āĻžাāĻ¨ āĻĒাāĻ°িāĻ­াāĻˇিāĻ• āĻļāĻŦ্āĻĻ āĻĒুāĻ°াāĻ¤āĻ¨ āĻ“ āĻ¨āĻ¤ুāĻ¨ āĻ¨াāĻŽ āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ¤িāĻļāĻŦ্āĻĻ āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻĨāĻŽ āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ•াāĻļিāĻ¤ āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ¸্āĻ¤ুāĻ¤িāĻšীāĻ¨ āĻŦিāĻ¸িāĻāĻ¸ āĻ¯াāĻ¤্āĻ°া āĻĢāĻ˛া āĻāĻŦং āĻ¯ুāĻ•্āĻ¤াāĻ•্āĻˇāĻ° āĻĢাঁāĻĻ āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻļ্āĻ¨ āĻĢিāĻ˛িāĻ¸্āĻ¤িāĻ¨ Palestine āĻĢ্āĻ°াāĻ¨্āĻ¸েāĻ° āĻ‡āĻ¸āĻ˛াāĻŽ-āĻŦিāĻĻ্āĻŦেāĻˇ āĻŦāĻ™্āĻ—āĻŦāĻ¨্āĻ§ু āĻ¸্āĻ¯াāĻŸেāĻ˛াāĻ‡āĻŸ āĻŦাংāĻ˛া āĻŦাংāĻ˛া āĻ“ āĻ‡ংāĻ°েāĻœি āĻ¸াāĻšিāĻ¤্āĻ¯েāĻ° āĻŽিāĻ˛āĻŦāĻ¨্āĻ§āĻ¨ āĻŦাংāĻ˛া āĻŦ্āĻ¯াāĻ•āĻ°āĻŖ āĻŦাংāĻ˛া āĻ­াāĻˇা āĻ“ āĻ¸াāĻšিāĻ¤্āĻ¯ āĻŦাংāĻ˛া āĻļāĻŦ্āĻĻাāĻ°্āĻĨ āĻŦাংāĻ˛া āĻ¸াāĻšিāĻ¤্āĻ¯ āĻŦাংāĻ˛া āĻ¸াāĻšিāĻ¤্āĻ¯েāĻ° āĻĻুāĻ‡ āĻŽāĻšাāĻ°āĻĨী āĻŦাংāĻ˛াāĻĻেāĻļ āĻŦাংāĻ˛াāĻĻেāĻļ āĻ“ āĻŦিāĻļ্āĻŦāĻĒāĻ°িāĻšāĻ¯় āĻŦাংāĻ˛াāĻĻেāĻļ āĻŦিāĻˇāĻ¯়াāĻŦāĻ˛ি āĻŦাāĻ—āĻ§াāĻ°া āĻŦাāĻ¨াāĻ¨ āĻļুāĻĻ্āĻ§িāĻ•āĻ°āĻŖ āĻŦিāĻ—āĻ¤ āĻĒāĻ°ীāĻ•্āĻˇাāĻ¸āĻŽূāĻš āĻŦিāĻĒ্āĻ˛āĻŦ āĻŦিāĻ­āĻ•্āĻ¤ি āĻŦিāĻ¸িāĻāĻ¸ āĻĒāĻ°াāĻŽāĻ°্āĻļ āĻŦিāĻ¸িāĻāĻ¸ āĻ­াāĻ‡āĻ­া āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ¸্āĻ¤ুāĻ¤ি āĻŦুāĻĻ্āĻ§িāĻœীāĻŦী āĻšāĻ¤্āĻ¯াāĻ•াāĻŖ্āĻĄ āĻ­াāĻˇা āĻ†āĻ¨্āĻĻোāĻ˛āĻ¨ āĻ­ূāĻ—োāĻ˛ āĻ­ৌāĻ—োāĻ˛িāĻ• āĻ‰āĻĒāĻ¨াāĻŽ āĻ­্āĻ¯াāĻ•āĻ¸িāĻ¨ āĻ•ূāĻŸāĻ¨ীāĻ¤ি āĻāĻŦং āĻŦাংāĻ˛াāĻĻেāĻļ āĻŽāĻĄেāĻ˛ āĻŸেāĻ¸্āĻŸ āĻŽāĻĄেāĻ˛āĻŸেāĻ¸্āĻŸ āĻŽāĻšাāĻ•াāĻļ āĻŽুāĻ•্āĻ¤িāĻ¯ুāĻĻ্āĻ§ āĻŽুāĻ•্āĻ¤িāĻ¯ুāĻĻ্āĻ§ āĻ­িāĻ¤্āĻ¤িāĻ• āĻ¸াāĻšিāĻ¤্āĻ¯āĻ•āĻ°্āĻŽ āĻŽুāĻ•্āĻ¤িāĻ¯ুāĻĻ্āĻ§েāĻ° āĻŦীāĻ°āĻ¤্āĻŦāĻĒূāĻ°্āĻŖ āĻ–েāĻ¤াāĻŦ āĻŽুāĻ•্āĻ¤িāĻ¯ুāĻĻ্āĻ§েāĻ° āĻ¸াāĻšিāĻ¤্āĻ¯āĻ­াāĻŖ্āĻĄাāĻ° āĻ¯ুāĻ•্āĻ¤ āĻŦāĻ°্āĻŖ āĻ˛িāĻ–িāĻ¤ āĻ—াāĻ‡āĻĄāĻ˛াāĻ‡āĻ¨ āĻ˛িāĻ–িāĻ¤ āĻĒāĻ°ীāĻ•্āĻˇা āĻ˛েāĻ–া āĻ“ āĻ˛েāĻ–āĻ• āĻļেāĻˇ āĻŽুāĻšুāĻ°্āĻ¤েāĻ° āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ¸্āĻ¤ুāĻ¤ি āĻ“ āĻĒāĻ°াāĻŽāĻ°্āĻļ āĻļ্āĻ°েāĻˇ্āĻ  āĻŦাāĻ™াāĻ˛ি ✏️✏️ āĻ¸ংāĻŦিāĻ§াāĻ¨ āĻ¸ংāĻŦিāĻ§াāĻ¨ āĻ¸ংāĻļোāĻ§āĻ¨ী āĻ¸āĻĻāĻ°-āĻĻāĻĒ্āĻ¤āĻ° āĻ¸āĻ­্āĻ¯āĻ¤া āĻ¸āĻŽাāĻ¸ āĻ¸াāĻœেāĻļāĻ¨ āĻ¸াāĻ§াāĻ°āĻŖ āĻœ্āĻžাāĻ¨ āĻ¸াāĻ§াāĻ°āĻŖ āĻŦিāĻœ্āĻžাāĻ¨ āĻ¸াāĻŽ্āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ¤িāĻ• āĻ¸াāĻšিāĻ¤্āĻ¯-āĻ‰ā§ŽāĻ¸āĻ°্āĻ— āĻ¸াāĻšিāĻ¤্āĻ¯িāĻ• āĻ¸াāĻšিāĻ¤্āĻ¯ে āĻ•āĻ¨āĻĢিāĻ‰āĻļāĻ¨ āĻ¸্āĻĨাāĻĒāĻ¤্āĻ¯ āĻ“ āĻ¸্āĻĨāĻĒāĻ¤ি āĻ¸্āĻĒোāĻ•েāĻ¨ āĻ‡ংāĻ˛িāĻļ All Things Review Bangladesh Constitution BCS Preliminary Question Analysis BCS Preparation Special Episodes BCS Questions Earn Money Eat Chew Drink Take Have ? English Grammar English Grammar Exercises with Answers English Grammar Test English Literature Essay Writing General Science ICT Idioms and Phrases International financial institutions Love Stories in Literature Nobel Prize One Word Substitution Preposition Quiz Redundancy āĻŦাāĻšুāĻ˛্āĻ¯ (āĻĻোāĻˇ) Shortcut to Preposition Spoken English Terrorism Transformation of Sentences 👍 Translation United Nations Vocabulary Warrant of Precedence World Wars

āĻāĻŸি āĻŦিāĻ¸িāĻāĻ¸ āĻĒāĻ°ীāĻ•্āĻˇাāĻ° āĻœāĻ¨্āĻ¯ āĻ…āĻ¨েāĻ• āĻ—ুāĻ°ুāĻ¤্āĻŦāĻĒূāĻ°্āĻŖ:

Literary Terms 

1. Simile (āĻ‰āĻĒāĻŽা):

āĻĻুāĻŸি āĻ†āĻ˛াāĻĻা āĻŦāĻ¸্āĻ¤ু āĻŦা āĻĻুāĻ‡āĻœāĻ¨ āĻŦ্āĻ¯āĻ•্āĻ¤িāĻ° āĻŽāĻ§্āĻ¯ে as, like, resemble, the same as āĻ‡āĻ¤্āĻ¯াāĻĻি āĻļāĻŦ্āĻĻāĻ—ুāĻ˛ােāĻ° āĻ‰āĻ˛্āĻ˛েāĻ– āĻ•āĻ°ে āĻ¸āĻ°াāĻ¸āĻ°ি āĻ¤ুāĻ˛āĻ¨া āĻ•āĻ°াāĻ•ে simile āĻŦāĻ˛ে। 

Example -

• I wandered lonely as a cloud. 

• Youth (is) like summer morn.

• My heart is like a singing bird. 

• He is as cunning as a fox. 

2. Metaphor (āĻ°ূāĻĒāĻ•):

āĻĻুāĻŸি āĻ†āĻ˛াāĻĻা āĻŦāĻ¸্āĻ¤ু āĻŦা āĻĻুāĻ‡āĻœāĻ¨ āĻŦ্āĻ¯āĻ•্āĻ¤িāĻ° āĻŽāĻ§্āĻ¯ে comparision āĻāĻ° āĻļāĻŦ্āĻĻāĻ¸āĻŽূāĻš (āĻ¯েāĻŽāĻ¨: as, such, like āĻ‡āĻ¤্āĻ¯াāĻĻি) āĻŦ্āĻ¯āĻŦāĻšাāĻ° āĻ¨া āĻ•āĻ°েāĻ‡ āĻ¤ুāĻ˛āĻ¨া āĻ•āĻ°াāĻ•ে metaphor āĻŦāĻ˛ে। 

Example -

• Liza is a rose.

• Life is but a walking shadow. 

• Nazrul is fire.

• My brother was boiling mad. 

Note: āĻāĻ•āĻ‡ āĻœাāĻ¤ীāĻ¯় āĻŦিāĻˇāĻ¯়āĻŦāĻ¸্āĻ¤ুāĻ° āĻŽāĻ§্āĻ¯ে āĻ¤ুāĻ˛āĻ¨া āĻšāĻ˛ে ......... Read More 

📓 āĻĒুāĻ°ো āĻ†āĻ°্āĻŸিāĻ•েāĻ˛/āĻĒোāĻ¸্āĻŸāĻŸি āĻĒāĻĄ়ুāĻ¨