
The Daily Star Editorial

August 19, 2020
The Daily Star Editorial 
āĻļিāĻ°োāĻ¨াāĻŽ: How can we be so indifferent with so many active Covid-19 cases?
=āĻ†āĻŽāĻ°া āĻāĻ¤ āĻ‰āĻĻাāĻ¸ীāĻ¨ āĻ•ীāĻ­াāĻŦে āĻšāĻ¤ে āĻĒাāĻ°ি āĻāĻ¤ āĻŦেāĻļি āĻ¸āĻ•্āĻ°িā§Ÿ āĻ•োāĻ­িāĻĄ-ā§§ā§¯ āĻāĻ° āĻŦ্āĻ¯াāĻĒাāĻ°ে? 
Govt must not succumb to denial and response fatigue
=āĻ¸āĻ°āĻ•াāĻ° āĻ…āĻ¸্āĻŦীāĻ•াāĻ° āĻāĻŦং āĻļৈāĻĨিāĻ˛্āĻ¯ āĻ¸াā§œাāĻĻাāĻ¨ে āĻ¨িāĻŽāĻœ্āĻœিāĻ¤ āĻšāĻ¤ে āĻĒাāĻ°েāĻ‡ āĻ¨া; 
Prepared by: Md Mohiuddin
āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻĨāĻŽে āĻļāĻŦ্āĻĻাāĻ°্āĻĨāĻ—ুāĻ˛ি āĻœেāĻ¨ে āĻ¨িāĻ‡
ā§§। so indifferent-āĻāĻ¤ āĻ‰āĻĻাāĻ¸ীāĻ¨; āĻŦেāĻļি āĻ‰āĻĻাāĻ¸ীāĻ¨; 
ā§¨। so many active Covid-19 cases-āĻāĻ¤ āĻŦেāĻļি āĻ¸āĻ•্āĻ°িā§Ÿ āĻ•োāĻ­িāĻĄ-ā§§ā§¯ āĻāĻ° āĻŦ্āĻ¯াāĻĒাāĻ°ে; 
ā§Š।  succumb to-āĻŦāĻļীāĻ­ূāĻ¤ āĻšāĻ“ā§Ÿা; āĻŽাāĻ°া āĻ¯াāĻ“ā§Ÿা; āĻ¨িāĻŽāĻœ্āĻœিāĻ¤ āĻšāĻ“ā§Ÿা; 
ā§Ē। denial-āĻ…āĻ¸্āĻŦীāĻ•াāĻ°; āĻ…āĻ—্āĻ°াāĻš্āĻ¯āĻ¤া; 
ā§Ģ। response-āĻ¸াā§œাāĻĻাāĻ¨; 
ā§Ŧ। fatigue-āĻļৈāĻĨিāĻ˛্āĻ¯; āĻ…āĻŦāĻ¸াāĻĻ; āĻ•্āĻ˛াāĻ¨্āĻ¤ি; 
ā§­। Bangladesh's response-āĻŦাংāĻ˛াāĻĻেāĻļেāĻ° āĻ¸াā§œাāĻĻাāĻ¨; 
ā§Ž।  to Covid-19-āĻ•োāĻ­িāĻĄ-ā§§ā§¯ āĻāĻ° āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ¤ি; 
ā§¯। one of denial, delay and  dereliction-āĻāĻ• āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ•াāĻ°/āĻ§āĻ°āĻŖেāĻ° āĻ…āĻ¸্āĻŦীāĻ•াāĻ°, āĻ—ā§œিāĻŽāĻ¸ি āĻāĻŦং āĻ…āĻŦāĻšেāĻ˛া; 
ā§§ā§Ļ।  from the start-āĻļুāĻ°ু āĻĨেāĻ•ে; 
ā§§ā§§। a trend-āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻŦāĻŖāĻ¤া; 
ā§§ā§¨। unfortunately continues-āĻĻুāĻ°্āĻ­াāĻ—্āĻ¯āĻ•্āĻ°āĻŽে āĻšāĻ˛āĻ›ে; 
ā§§ā§Š। even as-āĻāĻŽāĻ¨ āĻ¸āĻŽā§Ÿ; 
ā§§ā§Ē। the country passes-āĻĻেāĻļ āĻ…āĻ¤িāĻ•্āĻ°āĻŽ āĻ•āĻ°ে āĻ¯াā§Ÿ/ āĻ…āĻ—্āĻ°āĻ¸āĻ° āĻšā§Ÿ; 
ā§§ā§Ģ। grim milestone-āĻ¨িāĻ°্āĻŽāĻŽ/āĻ­ā§ŸāĻ™্āĻ•āĻ° āĻŽাāĻ‡āĻ˛āĻĢāĻ˛āĻ•; 
ā§§ā§Ŧ। According to-āĻ…āĻ¨ুāĻ¸াāĻ°ে; āĻ…āĻ¨ুāĻ¯াā§Ÿী; 
ā§§ā§­। the  latest estimates-āĻ¸āĻ°্āĻŦāĻļেāĻˇ āĻšিāĻ¸াāĻŦ; 
ā§§ā§Ž। Bangladesh is now seventh-āĻŦাংāĻ˛াāĻĻেāĻļ āĻāĻ–āĻ¨ ā§­āĻŽ; 
ā§§ā§¯। on the list of countries  with the most active cases-āĻ¸āĻŦāĻšেā§Ÿে āĻ¸āĻ•্āĻ°িā§Ÿ āĻ°োāĻ—ীāĻ° āĻĻেāĻļেāĻ° āĻ¤াāĻ˛িāĻ•াā§Ÿ; 
ā§¨ā§Ļ। in the world-āĻŦিāĻļ্āĻŦে; 
ā§¨ā§§। sixteenth in terms of total  cases-āĻŽোāĻŸ āĻ°োāĻ—ীāĻ° āĻ•্āĻˇেāĻ¤্āĻ°ে ā§ŦāĻˇ্āĻ ; 
ā§¨ā§¨। Among the Asian countries-āĻāĻļিā§ŸাāĻ° āĻĻেāĻļāĻ—ুāĻ˛োāĻ° āĻŽāĻ§্āĻ¯ে; 
ā§¨ā§Š। in terms of total cases-āĻŽোāĻŸ āĻ°োāĻ—ীāĻĻেāĻ° āĻ•্āĻˇেāĻ¤্āĻ°ে; 
ā§¨ā§Ē। huge population-āĻŦāĻšু/āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻšুāĻ° āĻœāĻ¨āĻ¸ংāĻ–্āĻ¯া; āĻœāĻ¨āĻŦāĻšুāĻ˛; 
ā§¨ā§Ģ। within  arm's reach-āĻšাāĻ¤েāĻ° āĻ¨াāĻ—াāĻ˛েāĻ° āĻŽāĻ§্āĻ¯ে; 
ā§¨ā§Ŧ। In terms of active cases,-āĻ¸āĻ•্āĻ°িā§Ÿ āĻ°োāĻ—ীāĻĻেāĻ° āĻ•্āĻˇেāĻ¤্āĻ°ে; 
ā§¨ā§­। ahead of us-āĻ†āĻŽাāĻĻেāĻ° āĻ¸āĻŽ্āĻŽুāĻ–ে/āĻ†āĻ—ে; 
ā§¨ā§Ž।  As far  as-āĻ¯āĻ¤āĻĻূāĻ°; āĻ¯āĻ¤āĻŸা; 
ā§¨ā§¯।  statistics go-āĻĒāĻ°িāĻ¸ংāĻ–্āĻ¯াāĻ¨ āĻ…āĻ¨্āĻ¤āĻ°্āĻ­ুāĻ•্āĻ¤ি āĻšā§Ÿ; 
ā§Šā§Ļ। an extremely disconcerting development-āĻšāĻ°āĻŽāĻ­াāĻŦে āĻ¤াāĻ˛āĻ—োāĻ˛ āĻĒাāĻ•াāĻ¨ো āĻāĻ•āĻŸা āĻ…āĻŦāĻ¸্āĻĨা; 
ā§Šā§§। react-āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ¤িāĻ•্āĻ°িā§Ÿা āĻœাāĻ¨াāĻ¨ো; 
ā§Šā§¨। The scientific consensus-āĻŦিāĻļেāĻˇāĻœ্āĻžāĻĻেāĻ° āĻ¸āĻ°্āĻŦāĻ¸āĻŽ্āĻŽāĻ¤ি; 
ā§Šā§Š। extremely worried-āĻšāĻ°āĻŽāĻ­াāĻŦে āĻ‰āĻĻ্āĻŦিāĻ—্āĻ¨; 
ā§Šā§Ē। the inexplicably low levels-āĻŦ্āĻ¯াāĻ–্āĻ¯াāĻ¤ীāĻ¤ āĻ¨িāĻŽ্āĻ¨ āĻĒāĻ°্āĻ¯াā§Ÿ; 
ā§Šā§Ģ। of  testing-āĻĒāĻ°ীāĻ•্āĻˇাāĻ°; 
ā§Šā§Ŧ। in the country-āĻĻেāĻļে; 
ā§Šā§­। large numbers of people-āĻŦāĻšুāĻ¸ংāĻ–্āĻ¯āĻ• āĻŽাāĻ¨ুāĻˇ; 
ā§Šā§Ž। are dying or getting  infected-āĻŽāĻ°āĻ¤েāĻ›ে āĻ…āĻĨāĻŦা āĻ†āĻ•্āĻ°াāĻ¨্āĻ¤  āĻšāĻš্āĻ›ে; 
ā§Šā§¯। every day-āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ¤িāĻĻিāĻ¨; 
ā§Ēā§Ļ। But our officials -āĻ¤āĻŦে āĻ†āĻŽাāĻĻেāĻ° āĻ•āĻ°্āĻŽāĻ•āĻ°্āĻ¤াāĻ°া; 
ā§Ēā§§। continue to be in denial-āĻ…āĻ¸্āĻŦীāĻ•াāĻ° āĻ•āĻ°েāĻ‡ āĻ¯াāĻš্āĻ›ে; 
ā§Ēā§¨। Comments  by several ministers-āĻ•ā§ŸেāĻ•āĻœāĻ¨ āĻŽāĻ¨্āĻ¤্āĻ°ীāĻ° āĻŦāĻ•্āĻ¤āĻŦ্āĻ¯; 
ā§Ēā§Š। signal -āĻ¸āĻ™্āĻ•েāĻ¤ āĻĻেā§Ÿা; āĻ‡āĻ™্āĻ—িāĻ¤ āĻĻেā§Ÿা; 
ā§Ēā§Ē। a strategy-āĻ•ৌāĻļāĻ˛; 
ā§Ēā§Ģ। low numbers of  cases-āĻ•āĻŽ āĻ¸ংāĻ–্āĻ¯āĻ• āĻ°োāĻ—ী; 
ā§Ēā§Ŧ। highlight-āĻ—ুāĻ°ুāĻ¤্āĻŦাāĻ°োāĻĒ āĻ•āĻ°া; 
ā§Ēā§­। the "success" of the government-āĻ¸āĻ°āĻ•াāĻ°েāĻ° āĻ¸āĻĢāĻ˛āĻ¤া; 
ā§Ēā§Ž। bizarre-āĻ…āĻĻ্āĻ­ূāĻ¤; āĻ‰āĻĻ্āĻ­āĻŸ; āĻŦিāĻšিāĻ¤্āĻ°; 
ā§Ēā§¯। although -āĻ¯āĻĻিāĻ“; 
ā§Ģā§Ļ। a joint survey by IEDCR and icddr,b -āĻ†āĻ‡āĻĄিāĻ¸িāĻ†āĻ° āĻ“ āĻ†āĻ‡āĻ¸িāĻ¸িāĻĄিāĻ†āĻ°,āĻŦি āĻāĻ° āĻ¯ৌāĻĨ āĻœāĻ°িāĻĒ; 
ā§Ģā§§। shows that-āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ•াāĻļ āĻ•āĻ°েāĻ›ে āĻ¯ে; 
ā§Ģā§¨। the actual  numbers -āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ•ৃāĻ¤ āĻ¸ংāĻ–্āĻ¯া; 
ā§Ģā§Š। Experts say-āĻŦিāĻļেāĻˇāĻœ্āĻžāĻ°া āĻŦāĻ˛েāĻ›েāĻ¨; 
ā§Ģā§Ē। because of-āĻ•াāĻ°āĻŖে; 
ā§Ģā§Ģ। The  WHO has already urged countries-āĻŦিāĻļ্āĻŦ āĻ¸্āĻŦাāĻ¸্āĻĨ্āĻ¯ āĻ¸ংāĻ¸্āĻĨা āĻ‡āĻ¤োāĻŽāĻ§্āĻ¯ে āĻĻেāĻļāĻ—ুāĻ˛োāĻ° āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ¤ি āĻ†āĻšāĻŦাāĻ¨ āĻœাāĻ¨িā§ŸেāĻ›ে; 
ā§Ģā§Ŧ। undertake-āĻĻাā§ŸিāĻ¤্āĻŦāĻ­াāĻ° āĻ—্āĻ°āĻšāĻŖ āĻ•āĻ°া; 
ā§Ģā§­। appropriate Covid-19  response activities-āĻ•োāĻ­িāĻĄ-ā§§ā§¯ āĻ¯āĻĨোāĻĒāĻ¯ুāĻ•্āĻ¤ āĻ¸াā§œাāĻĻাāĻ¨ āĻ•াāĻ°্āĻ¯āĻ•্āĻ°āĻŽ; 
ā§Ģā§Ž। reduce the risk of response fatigue-āĻļৈāĻĨিāĻ˛্āĻ¯ āĻ¸াā§œাāĻĻāĻ¨েāĻ° āĻুāĻ•ি āĻ•āĻŽাāĻ¨ো; 
ā§Ģā§¯। nuanced -āĻ¸াāĻŽাāĻ¨্āĻ¯ āĻĒাāĻ°্āĻĨāĻ•্āĻ¯; 
ā§Ŧā§Ļ। pragmatic steps-āĻŦাāĻ¸্āĻ¤āĻŦāĻ§āĻ°্āĻŽী āĻĒāĻĻāĻ•্āĻˇেāĻĒ; 
ā§Ŧā§§। These warnings-āĻāĻ¸āĻŦ āĻ¸āĻ¤āĻ°্āĻ•āĻ¤া; 
ā§Ŧā§¨। unfortunately-āĻĻুāĻ°্āĻ­াāĻ—্āĻ¯āĻ•্āĻ°āĻŽে; 
ā§Ŧā§Š। needful,-āĻĒ্āĻ°ā§ŸোāĻœāĻ¨ীā§Ÿ; āĻ†āĻŦāĻļ্āĻ¯āĻ•; 
ā§Ŧā§Ē। our policymakers-āĻ†āĻŽাāĻĻেāĻ° āĻ¨ীāĻ¤িāĻ¨িāĻ°্āĻ§াāĻ°āĻ•েāĻ°া; 
ā§Ŧā§Ģ। the proverbial ostrich pretending-āĻ¸āĻ¤্āĻ¯ āĻ˛ুāĻ•াāĻ¨োāĻ° āĻ­াāĻ¨ āĻ§āĻ°াāĻ° āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻŦাāĻĻ; 
ā§Ŧā§Ŧ। the  threats-āĻšুāĻŽāĻ•ি; 
ā§Ŧā§­। fail to understand-āĻŦুāĻāĻ¤ে āĻŦ্āĻ¯āĻ°্āĻĨ; 
ā§Ŧā§Ž। there are no political points-āĻ•োāĻ¨ো āĻ°াāĻœāĻ¨ৈāĻ¤িāĻ• āĻŦিāĻˇā§Ÿ āĻ¨েāĻ‡; 
ā§Ŧā§¯। to score in  this battle-āĻāĻ‡ āĻ¯ুāĻĻ্āĻ§ে āĻœā§Ÿী āĻšāĻ¤ে; 
ā§­ā§Ļ। endure unimaginable sufferings-āĻ…āĻ•āĻ˛্āĻĒāĻ¨ীā§Ÿ/āĻ…āĻ­াāĻŦāĻ¨ীā§Ÿ āĻĻুāĻ°্āĻ­োāĻ— āĻ¸āĻš্āĻ¯ āĻ•āĻ°া; 
ā§­ā§§। There are no  winners or losers in this battle-āĻāĻ‡ āĻ¯ুāĻĻ্āĻ§ে āĻ•োāĻ¨ো āĻŦিāĻœā§Ÿী āĻŦা āĻĒāĻ°াāĻœিāĻ¤ āĻ¨েāĻ‡; 
ā§­ā§¨। survive-āĻŦেāĻšে āĻĨাāĻ•া; āĻŸিāĻ•ে āĻĨাāĻ•া; 
ā§­ā§Š। sincere -āĻ†āĻ¨্āĻ¤āĻ°িāĻ•; 
ā§­ā§Ē। our efforts-āĻ†āĻŽাāĻĻেāĻ° āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻšেāĻˇ্āĻŸা; 
ā§­ā§Ģ। to  contain this virus-āĻāĻ‡ āĻ­াāĻ‡āĻ°াāĻ¸ āĻ°োāĻ§ে; 
ā§­ā§Ŧ। We urge the government -āĻ†āĻŽāĻ°া āĻ¸āĻ°āĻ•াāĻ°েāĻ° āĻ•াāĻ›ে āĻ†āĻšāĻŦাāĻ¨ āĻœাāĻ¨াāĻ‡; 
ā§­ā§­। to shed its dangerous optimism-āĻ­ā§ŸāĻ™্āĻ•āĻ° āĻ†āĻļাāĻŦাāĻĻ āĻ¤্āĻ¯াāĻ— āĻ•āĻ°āĻ¤ে; 
ā§­ā§Ž। about the  Covid-19 situation-āĻ•োāĻ­িāĻĄ-ā§§ā§¯ āĻĒāĻ°িāĻ¸্āĻĨিāĻ¤ি āĻ¸āĻŽ্āĻĒāĻ°্āĻ•ে; 
ā§­ā§¯। at  han-āĻ•াāĻ›াāĻ•াāĻ›ি; 
ā§Žā§Ļ। reinvigorate-āĻĒুāĻ¨:āĻļāĻ•্āĻ¤ি/āĻ¸াāĻšāĻ¸ āĻĻেāĻ“ā§Ÿা; 
ā§Žā§§। moribund health departments and  facilities-āĻŽুāĻŽুāĻ°্āĻˇু/āĻŽৃāĻ¤āĻĒ্āĻ°াā§Ÿ āĻ¸্āĻŦাāĻ¸্āĻĨ্āĻ¯ āĻŦিāĻ­াāĻ— āĻāĻŦং āĻ¸্āĻŦাāĻ¸্āĻĨ্āĻ¯ āĻ¸ুāĻŦিāĻ§া; 
ā§Žā§¨। to expand testing -āĻĒāĻ°ীāĻ•্āĻˇা āĻŦাā§œাāĻ¤ে; 
ā§Žā§Š। ensure treatment -āĻšিāĻ•িā§ŽāĻ¸া āĻ¨িāĻļ্āĻšিāĻ¤ āĻ•āĻ°া; 
ā§Žā§Ē। for both Covid-19 and  general patients-āĻ•োāĻ­িāĻĄ-ā§§ā§¯ āĻ°োāĻ—ী āĻāĻŦং āĻ¸াāĻ§াāĻ°āĻŖ āĻ°োāĻ—ী āĻ‰āĻ­ā§ŸেāĻ° āĻœāĻ¨্āĻ¯; 
ā§Žā§Ģ। We are still waiting for updates-āĻ†āĻŽāĻ°া āĻšাāĻ˛āĻ¨াāĻ—াāĻĻ āĻ¤āĻĨ্āĻ¯েāĻ° āĻœāĻ¨্āĻ¯ āĻāĻ–āĻ¨āĻ“ āĻ…āĻĒেāĻ•্āĻˇা āĻ•āĻ°āĻ›ি; 
ā§Žā§Ŧ। on its earlier  decision -āĻ¤াā§œাāĻ¤াā§œি āĻ¸িāĻĻ্āĻ§াāĻ¨্āĻ¤েāĻ° āĻŦ্āĻ¯াāĻĒাāĻ°ে; 
ā§Žā§­। to impose zonal lockdowns-āĻ…āĻž্āĻšāĻ˛āĻ­েāĻĻে āĻ˛āĻ•āĻĄাāĻ‰āĻ¨ āĻ†āĻ°োāĻĒ āĻ•āĻ°āĻ¤ে; 
ā§Žā§Ž। where the situation is especially  dire-āĻŦিāĻļেāĻˇāĻ•āĻ°ে āĻĒāĻ°িāĻ¸্āĻĨিāĻ¤ি āĻ¯েāĻ–াāĻ¨ে  āĻļোāĻšāĻ¨ীā§Ÿ; 
ā§Žā§¯। We are also waiting to see -āĻ†āĻŽāĻ°া āĻĻেāĻ–াāĻ° āĻœāĻ¨্āĻ¯ āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ¤ীāĻ•্āĻˇাā§Ÿ āĻ†āĻ›ি; 
ā§¯ā§Ļ। proper action-āĻ¯āĻĨোāĻĒāĻ¯ুāĻ•্āĻ¤/āĻ•াāĻ°্āĻ¯āĻ•āĻ° āĻĒāĻĻāĻ•্āĻˇেāĻĒ; 
ā§¯ā§§। to uproot corruption-āĻĻুāĻ°্āĻ¨ীীāĻ¤ āĻ¨িāĻ°্āĻŽূāĻ˛ āĻ•āĻ°āĻ¤ে; 
ā§¯ā§¨। n  the health sector-āĻ¸্āĻŦাāĻ¸্āĻĨ্āĻ¯ āĻ–াāĻ¤ে; 
ā§¯ā§Š। establish accountability-āĻœāĻŦাāĻŦāĻĻিāĻšিāĻ¤া āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ¤িāĻˇ্āĻ া āĻ•āĻ°া; 
ā§¯ā§Ē। vital to saving  lives-āĻœীāĻŦāĻ¨ āĻŦাāĻšাāĻ¨োāĻ° āĻœāĻ¨্āĻ¯ āĻ—ুāĻ°ুāĻ¤্āĻŦāĻĒূāĻ°্āĻŖ; 
ā§¯ā§Ģ। urgent and doable-āĻĻ্āĻ°ুāĻ¤ āĻāĻŦং āĻ•াāĻ°্āĻ¯āĻ•āĻ°; 
ā§¯ā§Ŧ। a well-meaning  administration-āĻ¸āĻĻিāĻš্āĻ›াāĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ¸ূāĻ¤ āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻļাāĻ¸āĻ¨; 
ā§¯ā§­। shy away-āĻ­ā§Ÿ āĻĒেā§Ÿে āĻ¸āĻ°ে āĻ¯াāĻ“ā§Ÿা; 
ā§¯ā§Ž। from this historic responsibility-āĻāĻ‡ āĻāĻ¤িāĻšাāĻ¸িāĻ• āĻĻাā§ŸিāĻ¤্āĻŦ āĻĨেāĻ•ে; 
ā§¯ā§¯। to  appropriately handle this crisis-āĻ¯āĻĨাāĻ¯āĻĨāĻ­াāĻŦে āĻāĻ‡ āĻ¸ংāĻ•āĻŸ āĻ¨িā§ŸāĻ¨্āĻ¤্āĻ°āĻŖে/āĻŽোāĻ•াāĻŦেāĻ˛া āĻ•āĻ°āĻ¤ে; 
Prepared by: Md Mohiuddin
*******āĻāĻŦাāĻ° āĻŽূāĻ˛ āĻ¸āĻŽ্āĻĒাāĻĻāĻ•ীā§ŸāĻŸি āĻĒā§œি*******
How can we be so indifferent with so many active Covid-19 cases?
Govt must not succumb to denial and response fatigue
Bangladesh's response to Covid-19 has been one of denial, delay and  dereliction from the start, a trend that unfortunately continues even as  the country passes one grim milestone after another. According to the  latest estimates, Bangladesh is now seventh on the list of countries  with the most active cases in the world, and sixteenth in terms of total  cases. Among the Asian countries, in terms of total cases, India with  its huge population remains well ahead of us and Pakistan is within  arm's reach. In terms of active cases, only India is ahead of us. As far  as statistics go, this is an extremely disconcerting development.
How should we react to this? The scientific consensus is that we  should be extremely worried. Despite the inexplicably low levels of  testing in the country, large numbers of people are dying or getting  infected every day. But our officials continue to be in denial. Comments  by several ministers signal a strategy to use recent low numbers of  cases to highlight the "success" of the government, bizarre as it may  seem, although a joint survey by IEDCR and icddr,b shows that the actual  numbers are far greater than what we are being fed by the government.
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Experts say part of this could be because of "response fatigue". The  WHO has already urged countries to undertake appropriate Covid-19  response activities to reduce the risk of response fatigue through  nuanced and pragmatic steps. These warnings, unfortunately, are falling  on deaf ears in Bangladesh. Far from doing the needful, our policymakers  are still behaving like the proverbial ostrich pretending that the  threats don't exist, as if doing so will make them go away. What they  fail to understand is that there are no political points to score in  this battle, and you can't simply will it away or hope for herd immunity  to develop while people endure unimaginable sufferings. There are no  winners or losers in this battle—there are only survivors, and how well  we survive depends on how sincere and pragmatic we are in our efforts to  contain this virus.
We urge the government to shed its dangerous optimism about the  Covid-19 situation in the country and instead focus on the tasks at  hand. It must reinvigorate its moribund health departments and  facilities to expand testing and ensure treatment for both Covid-19 and  general patients. We are still waiting for updates on its earlier  decision to impose zonal lockdowns where the situation is especially  dire. We are also waiting to see proper action to uproot corruption in  the health sector and establish accountability, which is vital to saving  lives. These tasks are urgent and doable for a well-meaning  administration. Covid-19 is a once-in-a-century health emergency and the  government must not shy away from this historic responsibility to  appropriately handle this crisis.

Prepared by: Md Mohiuddin Sir.
★ āĻ˛িংāĻ•: āĻ‡āĻ¸āĻ˛াāĻŽিāĻ• āĻ˛াāĻ‡āĻŦ্āĻ°েāĻ°ি PDF (Google Drive)

ā§§। āĻ¸্āĻŦāĻĒ্āĻ¨ āĻ¯াāĻĻেāĻ° āĻŦিāĻ¸িāĻāĻ¸ – āĻ…āĻ­িāĻœ্āĻžāĻĻেāĻ° āĻĒāĻ°াāĻŽāĻ°্āĻļ

ā§¨। āĻŦিāĻ¸িāĻāĻ¸ āĻ¨িā§Ÿে āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻšāĻ˛িāĻ¤ ā§§ā§Ļ āĻ­ুāĻ˛ āĻ§াāĻ°āĻŖা

ā§Š। āĻŦিāĻ¸িāĻāĻ¸ (āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻļাāĻ¸āĻ¨)-āĻ•ে āĻ•েāĻ¨ āĻ¸āĻ•āĻ˛ āĻ•্āĻ¯াāĻĄাāĻ° āĻāĻ° āĻ°াāĻœা āĻŦāĻ˛া āĻšā§Ÿ

ā§Ē। āĻ¯āĻĻি āĻ•ূāĻŸāĻ¨ীāĻ¤িāĻ• āĻšāĻ¤ে āĻšাāĻ“

ā§Ģ। āĻŦিāĻ¸িāĻāĻ¸ āĻĒ্āĻ°িāĻ˛িāĻŽিāĻ¨াāĻ°ি - āĻŦাংāĻ˛া

ā§Ŧ। āĻŦাংāĻ˛া āĻ­াāĻˇা āĻ“ āĻ¸াāĻšিāĻ¤্āĻ¯ āĻ¨িā§Ÿে ā§¨ā§Ģ āĻĒāĻ°াāĻŽāĻ°্āĻļ

ā§­। āĻ‡ংāĻ°েāĻœিāĻ° āĻ­ā§Ÿ āĻ•āĻ°āĻ¤ে āĻœā§Ÿ āĻ¯া āĻŽাāĻ¨āĻ¤ে āĻšā§Ÿ

ā§Ž। āĻĒ্āĻ°িāĻ˛িāĻŽিāĻ¨াāĻ°ি āĻĒāĻ°ীāĻ•্āĻˇাā§Ÿ āĻ­াāĻ˛ āĻ•āĻ°াāĻ° āĻ•ৌāĻļāĻ˛: āĻ‡ংāĻ°েāĻœি āĻ¸াāĻšিāĻ¤্āĻ¯

ā§¯। āĻŦিāĻ¸িāĻāĻ¸ āĻĒāĻ°ীāĻ•্āĻˇাā§Ÿ āĻ­াāĻ˛ āĻ•āĻ°াāĻ° āĻ•ৌāĻļāĻ˛: āĻ—āĻŖিāĻ¤

ā§§ā§Ļ। āĻŦিāĻ¸িāĻāĻ¸ āĻĒāĻ°ীāĻ•্āĻˇাā§Ÿ āĻ­াāĻ˛ āĻ•āĻ°াāĻ° āĻ•ৌāĻļāĻ˛: āĻ¤্āĻ°িāĻ•োāĻŖāĻŽিāĻ¤ি āĻ“ āĻĒāĻ°িāĻŽিāĻ¤ি

ā§§ā§§। āĻŦিāĻ¸িāĻāĻ¸ āĻĒāĻ°ীāĻ•্āĻˇাā§Ÿ āĻ­াāĻ˛ āĻ•āĻ°াāĻ° āĻ•ৌāĻļāĻ˛: āĻ•āĻŽ্āĻĒিāĻ‰āĻŸাāĻ° āĻ“ āĻ¤āĻĨ্āĻ¯āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ¯ুāĻ•্āĻ¤ি

ā§§ā§¨। āĻ¸াāĻ§াāĻ°āĻŖ āĻœ্āĻžাāĻ¨, āĻŦিāĻœ্āĻžাāĻ¨, āĻ­ূāĻ—োāĻ˛ āĻ“ āĻĒāĻ°িāĻŦেāĻļ āĻ…ংāĻļে āĻ­াāĻ˛ো āĻ•āĻ°াāĻ° āĻ‰āĻĒাā§Ÿ

ā§§ā§Š। āĻ¸াāĻ§াāĻ°āĻŖ āĻœ্āĻžাāĻ¨ে āĻ…āĻ¸াāĻ§াāĻ°āĻŖ āĻšāĻ“ā§ŸাāĻ° āĻ•ৌāĻļāĻ˛

ā§§ā§Ē। āĻĒ্āĻ°িāĻ˛িāĻŽিāĻ¨াāĻ°ি āĻĒāĻ°ীāĻ•্āĻˇা āĻ¨িā§Ÿে āĻ•িāĻ›ু āĻ•āĻĨা

ā§§ā§Ģ। āĻŦিāĻ¸িāĻāĻ¸েāĻ° āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ¸্āĻ¤ুāĻ¤ি: āĻ—াāĻŖিāĻ¤িāĻ• āĻ¯ুāĻ•্āĻ¤ি, āĻŦিāĻœ্āĻžাāĻ¨ āĻ“ āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ¯ুāĻ•্āĻ¤ি

ā§§ā§Ŧ। āĻ­ূāĻ—োāĻ˛ āĻ“ āĻ¨ৈāĻ¤িāĻ•āĻ¤াā§Ÿ āĻ­াāĻ˛ো āĻ•āĻ°āĻ¤ে āĻšাāĻ‡āĻ˛ে

ā§§ā§­। āĻŦিāĻ¸িāĻāĻ¸েāĻ° āĻŦāĻ‡ āĻĒā§œাāĻ‡ āĻ¸āĻŦ āĻ¨ā§Ÿ

ā§§ā§Ž। āĻĒ্āĻ°িāĻ˛িāĻŽিāĻ¨াāĻ°ি āĻĒāĻ°ীāĻ•্āĻˇাāĻ° āĻļেāĻˇ āĻŽুāĻšূāĻ°্āĻ¤ে
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#āĻ“āĻ¸āĻŽাāĻ¨ি #āĻ†āĻ¤্āĻŽāĻ¸āĻŽāĻ°্āĻĒāĻŖ āĻ…āĻ¨ুāĻˇ্āĻ াāĻ¨ #āĻŽিāĻļāĻ° #Egypt ā§§. āĻŦাংāĻ˛া āĻ­াāĻˇা āĻ“ āĻ¸াāĻšিāĻ¤্āĻ¯ ā§§. āĻš্āĻ¯াāĻ¨্āĻĄāĻ¨োāĻŸ āĻāĻŦং āĻ¤āĻĨ্āĻ¯āĻŦāĻšুāĻ˛ āĻšিāĻ¤্āĻ° ā§§ā§Ļ. āĻ¨ৈāĻ¤িāĻ•āĻ¤া āĻŽূāĻ˛্āĻ¯āĻŦোāĻ§ āĻ“ āĻ¸ুāĻļাāĻ¸āĻ¨ ā§§ā§§. āĻŦিāĻ­িāĻ¨্āĻ¨ āĻĒāĻ°ীāĻ•্āĻˇাāĻ° āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻļ্āĻ¨ āĻ“ āĻ¸āĻŽাāĻ§াāĻ¨ ā§¨. āĻ‡ংāĻ°েāĻœি āĻ­াāĻˇা āĻ“ āĻ¸াāĻšিāĻ¤্āĻ¯ ā§Š. āĻŦাংāĻ˛াāĻĻেāĻļ āĻŦিāĻˇāĻ¯়াāĻŦāĻ˛ি ā§Ē. āĻ†āĻ¨্āĻ¤āĻ°্āĻœাāĻ¤িāĻ• āĻŦিāĻˇāĻ¯়াāĻŦāĻ˛ি ā§Ēā§Ļā§ĻāĻŸি āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻļ্āĻ¨োāĻ¤্āĻ¤āĻ°: āĻ•āĻŽ্āĻĒিāĻ‰āĻŸাāĻ° āĻāĻŦং āĻ•āĻŽ্āĻĒিāĻ‰āĻŸাāĻ°-āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ¯ুāĻ•্āĻ¤ি 43rd BCS ā§Ģ. āĻ­াāĻ‡āĻ­া āĻŦোāĻ°্āĻĄ ā§Ģ. āĻ­ূāĻ—োāĻ˛ (āĻŦাংāĻ˛াāĻĻেāĻļ āĻ“ āĻŦিāĻļ্āĻŦ) āĻĒāĻ°িāĻŦেāĻļ āĻ“ āĻĻুāĻ°্āĻ¯োāĻ— āĻŦ্āĻ¯āĻŦāĻ¸্āĻĨাāĻĒāĻ¨া ā§Ģā§¨ āĻĨেāĻ•ে ā§­ā§§ ā§Ŧ. āĻ¸াāĻ§াāĻ°āĻŖ āĻŦিāĻœ্āĻžাāĻ¨ ā§­ āĻŽাāĻ°্āĻš ā§­. āĻ•āĻŽ্āĻĒিāĻ‰āĻŸাāĻ° āĻ“ āĻ¤āĻĨ্āĻ¯āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ¯ুāĻ•্āĻ¤ি ā§Ž. āĻ—াāĻŖিāĻ¤িāĻ• āĻ¯ুāĻ•্āĻ¤ি ā§¯. āĻŽাāĻ¨āĻ¸িāĻ• āĻĻāĻ•্āĻˇāĻ¤া āĻ…āĻ¨ুāĻĒ্āĻ°েāĻ°āĻŖা āĻ…āĻ¨ুāĻĒ্āĻ°েāĻ°āĻŖা - Motivation āĻ†āĻ‡āĻ¨āĻ•াāĻ¨ুāĻ¨ āĻ†āĻ¨্āĻ¤āĻ°্āĻœাāĻ¤িāĻ• āĻ†āĻ¨্āĻ¤āĻ°্āĻœাāĻ¤িāĻ• āĻšুāĻ•্āĻ¤ি āĻ†āĻ¨্āĻ¤āĻ°্āĻœাāĻ¤িāĻ• āĻŦিāĻˇā§Ÿ: āĻ¸ীāĻŽাāĻ°েāĻ–া āĻ†āĻ¨্āĻ¤āĻ°্āĻœাāĻ¤িāĻ• āĻ¸ীāĻŽাāĻ°েāĻ–া āĻ†āĻĒāĻĄেāĻŸ āĻ†āĻĒāĻĄেāĻŸ āĻ¤āĻĨ্āĻ¯ āĻ†āĻŦিāĻˇ্āĻ•াāĻ° āĻ“ āĻ†āĻŦিāĻˇ্āĻ•াāĻ°āĻ• āĻ†āĻ˛োāĻšিāĻ¤ ā§§ā§§ āĻœāĻ¨ āĻ•āĻŦি-āĻ¸াāĻšিāĻ¤্āĻ¯িāĻ• āĻ“ āĻ¤াঁāĻĻেāĻ° āĻ°āĻšāĻ¨াāĻŦāĻ˛ী āĻ‡ংāĻ°েāĻœি āĻ‡ংāĻ°েāĻœি āĻ¸াāĻšিāĻ¤্āĻ¯ āĻ‰āĻĒাāĻ§ি āĻ“ āĻ›āĻĻ্āĻŽāĻ¨াāĻŽ āĻāĻŸāĻ°্āĻ¨ি āĻœেāĻ¨াāĻ°েāĻ˛ āĻāĻŦাāĻ° āĻ¯াāĻĻেāĻ° āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻĨāĻŽ āĻŦিāĻ¸িāĻāĻ¸ āĻ•āĻŽ্āĻĒিāĻ‰āĻŸাāĻ° āĻ•āĻŽ্āĻĒিāĻ‰āĻŸাāĻ° āĻ“ āĻ¤āĻĨ্āĻ¯ āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ¯ুāĻ•্āĻ¤ি āĻ—āĻŖিāĻ¤ āĻ—ুāĻ°ুāĻ¤্āĻŦāĻĒূāĻ°্āĻŖ āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻļ্āĻ¨ āĻ—ুāĻ°ুāĻ¤্āĻŦāĻĒূāĻ°্āĻŖ āĻŦৈāĻœ্āĻžাāĻ¨িāĻ• āĻ¨াāĻŽ āĻ—ুāĻ°ুāĻ¤্āĻŦāĻĒূāĻ°্āĻŖ āĻļāĻŦ্āĻĻ āĻĒāĻ°িāĻšিāĻ¤ি āĻšāĻ°্āĻ¯াāĻĒāĻĻ āĻšāĻ°্āĻ¯াāĻĒāĻĻেāĻ° āĻ•āĻŦিāĻ—āĻŖ āĻœাāĻ¤ীāĻ¯় āĻœ্āĻžাāĻ¨-āĻŦিāĻœ্āĻžাāĻ¨েāĻ° āĻļাāĻ–া āĻāĻŦং āĻœāĻ¨āĻ• āĻœ্āĻ¯াāĻŽিāĻ¤িāĻ• āĻ¸ূāĻ¤্āĻ° āĻĻেāĻļী āĻŦিāĻœ্āĻžাāĻ¨ীāĻ°া āĻ¨āĻĻ-āĻ¨āĻĻী āĻ¨āĻŦāĻŽ-āĻĻāĻļāĻŽ āĻļ্āĻ°েāĻŖিāĻ° āĻŦাংāĻ˛া āĻŦ্āĻ¯াāĻ•āĻ°āĻŖ āĻĒāĻ¤্āĻ°িāĻ•া āĻāĻŦং āĻ›āĻĻ্āĻŽāĻ¨াāĻŽ āĻĒāĻĻ āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ•āĻ°āĻŖ āĻĒāĻ°āĻ°াāĻˇ্āĻŸ্āĻ°āĻ¨ীāĻ¤ি āĻĒāĻ°াāĻŽāĻ°্āĻļ āĻĒāĻ°াāĻŽāĻ°্āĻļ V. V. V. I. āĻĒāĻ°িāĻŦেāĻļ āĻ“ āĻĻুāĻ°্āĻ¯োāĻ— āĻŦ্āĻ¯āĻŦāĻ¸্āĻĨাāĻĒāĻ¨া āĻĒāĻ°িāĻŽিāĻ¤িāĻ° (Mensuration) āĻ¸ূāĻ¤্āĻ°াāĻŦāĻ˛িāĻ¸āĻŽূāĻš āĻĒাঁāĻšāĻŽিāĻļাāĻ˛ী āĻ¤āĻĨ্āĻ¯ + āĻ¸াāĻ§াāĻ°āĻŖ āĻœ্āĻžাāĻ¨ āĻĒাāĻ°িāĻ­াāĻˇিāĻ• āĻļāĻŦ্āĻĻ āĻĒুāĻ°াāĻ¤āĻ¨ āĻ“ āĻ¨āĻ¤ুāĻ¨ āĻ¨াāĻŽ āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ¤িāĻļāĻŦ্āĻĻ āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻĨāĻŽ āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ•াāĻļিāĻ¤ āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ¸্āĻ¤ুāĻ¤িāĻšীāĻ¨ āĻŦিāĻ¸িāĻāĻ¸ āĻ¯াāĻ¤্āĻ°া āĻĢāĻ˛া āĻāĻŦং āĻ¯ুāĻ•্āĻ¤াāĻ•্āĻˇāĻ° āĻĢাঁāĻĻ āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻļ্āĻ¨ āĻĢিāĻ˛িāĻ¸্āĻ¤িāĻ¨ Palestine āĻĢ্āĻ°াāĻ¨্āĻ¸েāĻ° āĻ‡āĻ¸āĻ˛াāĻŽ-āĻŦিāĻĻ্āĻŦেāĻˇ āĻŦāĻ™্āĻ—āĻŦāĻ¨্āĻ§ু āĻ¸্āĻ¯াāĻŸেāĻ˛াāĻ‡āĻŸ āĻŦাংāĻ˛া āĻŦাংāĻ˛া āĻ“ āĻ‡ংāĻ°েāĻœি āĻ¸াāĻšিāĻ¤্āĻ¯েāĻ° āĻŽিāĻ˛āĻŦāĻ¨্āĻ§āĻ¨ āĻŦাংāĻ˛া āĻŦ্āĻ¯াāĻ•āĻ°āĻŖ āĻŦাংāĻ˛া āĻ­াāĻˇা āĻ“ āĻ¸াāĻšিāĻ¤্āĻ¯ āĻŦাংāĻ˛া āĻļāĻŦ্āĻĻাāĻ°্āĻĨ āĻŦাংāĻ˛া āĻ¸াāĻšিāĻ¤্āĻ¯ āĻŦাংāĻ˛া āĻ¸াāĻšিāĻ¤্āĻ¯েāĻ° āĻĻুāĻ‡ āĻŽāĻšাāĻ°āĻĨী āĻŦাংāĻ˛াāĻĻেāĻļ āĻŦাংāĻ˛াāĻĻেāĻļ āĻ“ āĻŦিāĻļ্āĻŦāĻĒāĻ°িāĻšāĻ¯় āĻŦাংāĻ˛াāĻĻেāĻļ āĻŦিāĻˇāĻ¯়াāĻŦāĻ˛ি āĻŦাāĻ—āĻ§াāĻ°া āĻŦাāĻ¨াāĻ¨ āĻļুāĻĻ্āĻ§িāĻ•āĻ°āĻŖ āĻŦিāĻ—āĻ¤ āĻĒāĻ°ীāĻ•্āĻˇাāĻ¸āĻŽূāĻš āĻŦিāĻĒ্āĻ˛āĻŦ āĻŦিāĻ­āĻ•্āĻ¤ি āĻŦিāĻ¸িāĻāĻ¸ āĻĒāĻ°াāĻŽāĻ°্āĻļ āĻŦিāĻ¸িāĻāĻ¸ āĻ­াāĻ‡āĻ­া āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ¸্āĻ¤ুāĻ¤ি āĻŦুāĻĻ্āĻ§িāĻœীāĻŦী āĻšāĻ¤্āĻ¯াāĻ•াāĻŖ্āĻĄ āĻ­াāĻˇা āĻ†āĻ¨্āĻĻোāĻ˛āĻ¨ āĻ­ূāĻ—োāĻ˛ āĻ­ৌāĻ—োāĻ˛িāĻ• āĻ‰āĻĒāĻ¨াāĻŽ āĻ­্āĻ¯াāĻ•āĻ¸িāĻ¨ āĻ•ূāĻŸāĻ¨ীāĻ¤ি āĻāĻŦং āĻŦাংāĻ˛াāĻĻেāĻļ āĻŽāĻĄেāĻ˛ āĻŸেāĻ¸্āĻŸ āĻŽāĻĄেāĻ˛āĻŸেāĻ¸্āĻŸ āĻŽāĻšাāĻ•াāĻļ āĻŽুāĻ•্āĻ¤িāĻ¯ুāĻĻ্āĻ§ āĻŽুāĻ•্āĻ¤িāĻ¯ুāĻĻ্āĻ§ āĻ­িāĻ¤্āĻ¤িāĻ• āĻ¸াāĻšিāĻ¤্āĻ¯āĻ•āĻ°্āĻŽ āĻŽুāĻ•্āĻ¤িāĻ¯ুāĻĻ্āĻ§েāĻ° āĻŦীāĻ°āĻ¤্āĻŦāĻĒূāĻ°্āĻŖ āĻ–েāĻ¤াāĻŦ āĻŽুāĻ•্āĻ¤িāĻ¯ুāĻĻ্āĻ§েāĻ° āĻ¸াāĻšিāĻ¤্āĻ¯āĻ­াāĻŖ্āĻĄাāĻ° āĻ¯ুāĻ•্āĻ¤ āĻŦāĻ°্āĻŖ āĻ˛িāĻ–িāĻ¤ āĻ—াāĻ‡āĻĄāĻ˛াāĻ‡āĻ¨ āĻ˛িāĻ–িāĻ¤ āĻĒāĻ°ীāĻ•্āĻˇা āĻ˛েāĻ–া āĻ“ āĻ˛েāĻ–āĻ• āĻļেāĻˇ āĻŽুāĻšুāĻ°্āĻ¤েāĻ° āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ¸্āĻ¤ুāĻ¤ি āĻ“ āĻĒāĻ°াāĻŽāĻ°্āĻļ āĻļ্āĻ°েāĻˇ্āĻ  āĻŦাāĻ™াāĻ˛ি ✏️✏️ āĻ¸ংāĻŦিāĻ§াāĻ¨ āĻ¸ংāĻŦিāĻ§াāĻ¨ āĻ¸ংāĻļোāĻ§āĻ¨ী āĻ¸āĻĻāĻ°-āĻĻāĻĒ্āĻ¤āĻ° āĻ¸āĻ­্āĻ¯āĻ¤া āĻ¸āĻŽাāĻ¸ āĻ¸াāĻœেāĻļāĻ¨ āĻ¸াāĻ§াāĻ°āĻŖ āĻœ্āĻžাāĻ¨ āĻ¸াāĻ§াāĻ°āĻŖ āĻŦিāĻœ্āĻžাāĻ¨ āĻ¸াāĻŽ্āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ¤িāĻ• āĻ¸াāĻšিāĻ¤্āĻ¯-āĻ‰ā§ŽāĻ¸āĻ°্āĻ— āĻ¸াāĻšিāĻ¤্āĻ¯িāĻ• āĻ¸াāĻšিāĻ¤্āĻ¯ে āĻ•āĻ¨āĻĢিāĻ‰āĻļāĻ¨ āĻ¸্āĻĨাāĻĒāĻ¤্āĻ¯ āĻ“ āĻ¸্āĻĨāĻĒāĻ¤ি āĻ¸্āĻĒোāĻ•েāĻ¨ āĻ‡ংāĻ˛িāĻļ All Things Review Bangladesh Constitution BCS Preliminary Question Analysis BCS Preparation Special Episodes BCS Questions Earn Money Eat Chew Drink Take Have ? English Grammar English Grammar Exercises with Answers English Grammar Test English Literature Essay Writing General Science ICT Idioms and Phrases International financial institutions Love Stories in Literature Nobel Prize One Word Substitution Preposition Quiz Redundancy āĻŦাāĻšুāĻ˛্āĻ¯ (āĻĻোāĻˇ) Shortcut to Preposition Spoken English Terrorism Transformation of Sentences 👍 Translation United Nations Vocabulary Warrant of Precedence World Wars

āĻāĻŸি āĻŦিāĻ¸িāĻāĻ¸ āĻĒāĻ°ীāĻ•্āĻˇাāĻ° āĻœāĻ¨্āĻ¯ āĻ…āĻ¨েāĻ• āĻ—ুāĻ°ুāĻ¤্āĻŦāĻĒূāĻ°্āĻŖ:

Literary Terms 

1. Simile (āĻ‰āĻĒāĻŽা):

āĻĻুāĻŸি āĻ†āĻ˛াāĻĻা āĻŦāĻ¸্āĻ¤ু āĻŦা āĻĻুāĻ‡āĻœāĻ¨ āĻŦ্āĻ¯āĻ•্āĻ¤িāĻ° āĻŽāĻ§্āĻ¯ে as, like, resemble, the same as āĻ‡āĻ¤্āĻ¯াāĻĻি āĻļāĻŦ্āĻĻāĻ—ুāĻ˛ােāĻ° āĻ‰āĻ˛্āĻ˛েāĻ– āĻ•āĻ°ে āĻ¸āĻ°াāĻ¸āĻ°ি āĻ¤ুāĻ˛āĻ¨া āĻ•āĻ°াāĻ•ে simile āĻŦāĻ˛ে। 

Example -

• I wandered lonely as a cloud. 

• Youth (is) like summer morn.

• My heart is like a singing bird. 

• He is as cunning as a fox. 

2. Metaphor (āĻ°ূāĻĒāĻ•):

āĻĻুāĻŸি āĻ†āĻ˛াāĻĻা āĻŦāĻ¸্āĻ¤ু āĻŦা āĻĻুāĻ‡āĻœāĻ¨ āĻŦ্āĻ¯āĻ•্āĻ¤িāĻ° āĻŽāĻ§্āĻ¯ে comparision āĻāĻ° āĻļāĻŦ্āĻĻāĻ¸āĻŽূāĻš (āĻ¯েāĻŽāĻ¨: as, such, like āĻ‡āĻ¤্āĻ¯াāĻĻি) āĻŦ্āĻ¯āĻŦāĻšাāĻ° āĻ¨া āĻ•āĻ°েāĻ‡ āĻ¤ুāĻ˛āĻ¨া āĻ•āĻ°াāĻ•ে metaphor āĻŦāĻ˛ে। 

Example -

• Liza is a rose.

• Life is but a walking shadow. 

• Nazrul is fire.

• My brother was boiling mad. 

Note: āĻāĻ•āĻ‡ āĻœাāĻ¤ীāĻ¯় āĻŦিāĻˇāĻ¯়āĻŦāĻ¸্āĻ¤ুāĻ° āĻŽāĻ§্āĻ¯ে āĻ¤ুāĻ˛āĻ¨া āĻšāĻ˛ে ......... Read More 

📓 āĻĒুāĻ°ো āĻ†āĻ°্āĻŸিāĻ•েāĻ˛/āĻĒোāĻ¸্āĻŸāĻŸি āĻĒāĻĄ়ুāĻ¨