বিসিএস প্রিলি + লিখিত
The 10 Golden Rules in Spelling
Correction of English Grammar
Rule 1: When the suffix “full” is added to a word, one “ I” is removed.
Faith + full = faithful
Use + full= useful
Rule 2: If the word to which the suffix “full” is added ends in “ll”, one “I” is removed from the word also.
Skill +full = skilful
Will + full= wilful
Rule 3: Words of two or three syllables ending in single vowel + single consonant double the final consonant if the last syllable is stressed. Eg-
Permit + ed = permitted
Occur + ing =occurring
Control + ed =controlled
Begin + ing = beginning
Rule 4: Consonant ‘L’ is doubled in the words ending in single vowel + “I” before a suffix beginning with a vowel eg.
Signal + ing = signalling
Repel + ent = repellent
Quarrel + ed = quarrelled
Travel + er = traveller
Rule 5: Words ending in silent “e”, drop the “e” before a suffix beginning with a voweleg.
Hope + ing = hoping
Live + ed = lived
Drive + er = driver
Tire + ing= tiring
Rule 6: If the suffix begins with a consonant “e” is not dropped e.g
Hope + full = hopeful
Sincere + ly= sincerely
True + ly = truly
Nine + th = ninth
Argue + ment = argument
Rule 7: A final “y” following a consonant changes to “i” before a suffix except “ing”. Eg.
Carry + ed = carried
Happy + ly = happily
Marry + age = marriage
Beauty + full = beautiful
Marry + ing = marrying
Carry + ing = carrying
Rule 8: A final “y” following a vowel does not change before a suffix. Eg:
Obey + ed = obeyed
Play + er = player
Pray + ed= prayed
Rule 9: When the suffix “ous” is added to a word ending in “ce”, “e” is changed to “i”.
Space + ous= spacious
Vice + ous= vicious
Malice + ous = malicious
Grace + ous= gracious
Rule 10: When the suffix “ing” is added to a word ending in “ie”, “ie” is changed to “y”.
Lie + ing= lying
Die + ing = dying
Tie + ing= tying.
#Most important Idioms:
১। 'Null and void' - বাতিল [38th BCS
preli ; 32th BCS Written]
২। 'Once in a blue moon'- খুবই কদাচিৎ
[38th BCS preli ]
৩। 'Take the bull by the horse'- একটি
কঠিন সমস্যার মীমাংসিত চুক্তি [38th BCS
preli ]
৪। ABC-প্রাথমিক জ্ঞান [31st BCS
৫। All in-পরিশ্রান্ত[17th BCS Written]
৬। A round dozen-পূর্ণ ডজন বা ১২টি
[14th BCS Written]
✿➢৭। An apple of discord-বিবাদের
বিষয়[32nd BCS Written]
✿➢৮। As though-যেন[29th BCS
✿➢৯। At a loss-হতবুদ্ধি [28th BCS
✿➢১০। A castle in the air-আকাশকুমুস
কল্পনা[11th BCS Written]
✿➢১১। After one’s own heart-মনের
মতো[25th BCS Written]
✿➢১২। An axe to grind-সম্পৃক্ততার
ব্যক্তিগত কারণ[24th BCS
✿➢১৩। At arm’s length-নিরাপদ দূরত্ব
[21st BCS
✿➢১৪। Benefit of the doubt-
সন্দেহাবসর[15th BCS Written]
✿➢১৫। Burning question-গুরুত্বপূর্ণ
বিষয়[28th BCS Written]
✿➢১৬। By dint of-বদৌলতে[17th BCS
✿➢১৭। By fits and starts-অনিয়মিত
ভাবে[22nd & 31st BCS Written]
✿➢১৮। Bring to pass-কোন কিছু ঘটা
[27th BCS Written]
✿➢১৯। Bolt from the blue-বিনা মেঘে
বজ্রপাত[29th BCS Written]
✿➢২০। Bottom line-সবচেয়ে
গুরুত্বপূর্ণ বিষয়[15th BCS Written]
✿➢২১। Black and blue-নির্মমভাবে
[ TEO -2015]
✿➢২২। Black sheep-কুলাঙ্গার[32nd BCS
✿➢২৩। Cry in the wilderness-অরণ্যে
রোদন[22nd BCS Written]
✿➢২৪। Call to mind-স্মরণ করা [33rd
✿➢২৫। Come to terms-ঐকমত্যে পৌছা
[20th & 31st BCS Written]
✿➢২৬। Cast aside-বাতিল করা[24th BCS
✿➢২৭। Draw the line-সীমারেখা
নির্ধারণ করা[21st BCS Written]
✿➢২৮। Dilly dally-সময় অপচয়[20th
✿➢২৯। Dog days-সবচেয়ে গরমের
দিন[14th BCS]
✿➢৩০। Day after day-দিনের পর দিন
[32th BCS Written]
✿➢৩১। Down to earth-বাস্তবিক[ TEO
✿➢৩২। Eat humble pie-অপমান হজম
করে ক্ষমা চাওয়া[18th BCS Written]
✿➢৩৩। End in smoke-ব্যর্থতায়
পর্যবসিত হওয়া[31st BCS Written]
✿➢৩৪। Few and far between-কদাচিত[
31st BCS Written]
✿➢৩৫। Flesh and blood-রক্তমাংসে
দেহ[21st BCS Written]
✿➢৩৬। For good-স্থায়ীভাব
✿➢৩৭। Fool’s paradise-বোকার স্বর্গ
[28th BCS Written]
✿➢৩৮। Fresh blood-নতুন সভ্য[29th
BCS Written]
✿➢৩৯। Gift of the gab-বাগ্নিতা[27
BCS Written]
✿➢৪০। Get along-কারো সাথে
সুসম্পর্ক থাকা[27th BCS Written]
✿➢৪১। Give in-বশ্যতা স্বীকার করা
[13th BCS Written]
✿➢৪২। Half a chance-সামান্য সুযোগ
[21st BCS Written]
✿➢৪৩। Hand in glove-ঘনিষ্ঠ[23rd BCS
✿➢৪৪। Hold water-পরীক্ষায় টিকে
থাকা[11th BCS]
✿➢৪৫। Heart and soul-সর্বান্তকরণে
[32nd BCS Written]
✿➢৪৬। In cold blood-ঠান্ডা মাথায়[14th
BCS & 15th BCS Written]
✿➢৪৭। In case-যদি[29th BCS Written]
✿➢৪৮। In addition to-অধিকন্তু[25th
BCS Written]
✿➢৪৯। In order that-যাতে[25th BCS
✿➢৫০। In black and white-লিখিতভাবে
[11th BCS Written