
The Daily Star Editorial

August 15, 2020
The Daily Star Editorial
āĻļিāĻ°োāĻ¨াāĻŽ: Planning ministry frustrated with the state of development projects!
=āĻ‰āĻ¨্āĻ¨ā§ŸāĻ¨ āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ•āĻ˛্āĻĒেāĻ° āĻ•্āĻˇেāĻ¤্āĻ°ে āĻĒāĻ°িāĻ•āĻ˛্āĻĒāĻ¨া āĻŽāĻ¨্āĻ¤্āĻ°āĻŖাāĻ˛ā§Ÿ āĻŦ্āĻ¯āĻ°্āĻĨ!
But will it take steps to rectify the problems hindering timely implementation?
=āĻ¤āĻŦে, āĻ¸āĻŽā§ŸāĻŽāĻ¤ āĻŦাāĻ¸্āĻ¤āĻŦাā§ŸāĻ¨ āĻŦিāĻ˜্āĻ¨িāĻ¤ āĻ•āĻ°াāĻ° āĻ¸āĻŽāĻ¸্āĻ¯াāĻ—ুāĻ˛ি āĻ¸āĻŽাāĻ§াāĻ¨ে āĻŦ্āĻ¯āĻŦāĻ¸্āĻĨা āĻ¨েā§Ÿা āĻšāĻŦে āĻ•ি?
=āĻ¤āĻŦে, āĻ¯āĻĨাāĻ¸āĻŽā§Ÿে āĻŦাāĻ¸্āĻ¤āĻŦাā§ŸāĻ¨েāĻ° āĻ…āĻ¨্āĻ¤āĻ°াā§ŸāĻ—ুāĻ˛ি āĻĻূāĻ° āĻ•āĻ°াāĻ° āĻĒāĻĻāĻ•্āĻˇেāĻĒ āĻ¨েā§Ÿা āĻšāĻŦে āĻ•ি? 
Prepared by: Md Mohiuddin
āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻĨāĻŽে āĻļāĻŦ্āĻĻাāĻ°্āĻĨāĻ—ুāĻ˛ি āĻœেāĻ¨ে āĻ¨িāĻ‡
ā§§। Planning ministry-āĻĒāĻ°িāĻ•āĻ˛্āĻĒāĻ¨া āĻŽāĻ¨্āĻ¤্āĻ°āĻŖাāĻ˛ā§Ÿ; 
ā§¨। frustrated with -āĻšāĻ¤াāĻļ; āĻŦ্āĻ¯āĻ°্āĻĨ; 
ā§Š। the state of development projects-āĻ‰āĻ¨্āĻ¨ā§ŸāĻ¨ āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ•āĻ˛্āĻĒেāĻ° āĻšাāĻ˛/āĻĒāĻ°িāĻ¸্āĻĨিāĻ¤ি/āĻ…āĻŦāĻ¸্āĻĨা/āĻ•্āĻˇেāĻ¤্āĻ°; 
ā§Ē। But -āĻ¤āĻŦে; āĻ•িāĻ¨্āĻ¤ু; 
ā§Ģ। take steps-āĻŦ্āĻ¯āĻŦāĻ¸্āĻĨা āĻ¨েā§Ÿা; 
ā§Ŧ। to rectify the problems-āĻ¸āĻŽāĻ¸্āĻ¯াāĻ—ুāĻ˛ি āĻ¸āĻŽāĻ§াāĻ¨ে; 
ā§­। hindering timely implementation-āĻ¯āĻĨাāĻ¸āĻŽā§Ÿে āĻŦাāĻ¸্āĻ¤āĻŦাā§ŸāĻ¨ āĻŦিāĻ˜্āĻ¨িāĻ¤ āĻ•āĻ°াāĻ°; 
ā§Ž। We share-āĻ†āĻŽāĻ°া āĻœাāĻ¨াā§Ÿ/ āĻœাāĻ¨িā§ŸেāĻ›ি;
ā§¯। the planning ministry's frustration-āĻĒāĻ°িāĻ•āĻ˛্āĻĒāĻ¨া āĻŽāĻ¨্āĻ¤্āĻ°āĻŖাāĻ˛ā§ŸেāĻ° āĻŦ্āĻ¯āĻ°্āĻĨāĻ¤া; 
ā§§ā§Ļ। over repeated  modifications-āĻŦাāĻ°āĻŦাāĻ° āĻ¸ংāĻļোāĻ§āĻ¨ āĻ¨িā§Ÿে; 
ā§§ā§§। in projects-āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ•āĻ˛্āĻĒে; āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ•āĻ˛্āĻ—ুāĻ˛িāĻ¤ে; 
ā§§ā§¨। long delays-āĻĻীāĻ°্āĻ˜ āĻŦিāĻ˛āĻŽ্āĻŦ; 
ā§§ā§Š। increased costs-āĻ–āĻ°āĻš āĻŦৃāĻĻ্āĻ§ি; 
ā§§ā§Ē। failure to  conduct-āĻšাāĻ˛াāĻ¤ে āĻŦ্āĻ¯āĻ°্āĻĨāĻ¤া; 
ā§§ā§Ģ। proper feasibility tests-āĻ‰āĻĒāĻ¯ুāĻ•্āĻ¤ āĻ¸āĻŽ্āĻ­াāĻŦ্āĻ¯āĻ¤া āĻĒāĻ°ীāĻ•্āĻˇা; 
ā§§ā§Ŧ। flouting of rules and regulations  of high-ups-āĻ‰āĻš্āĻš āĻĒāĻ°্āĻ¯াā§ŸেāĻ° āĻ†āĻ‡āĻ¨-āĻ•াāĻ¨ুāĻ¨ āĻ­āĻ™্āĻ—/āĻ¤াāĻš্āĻ›িāĻ˛্āĻ¯āĻ•āĻ°āĻŖ; 
ā§§ā§­। long-standing problems-āĻĻীāĻ°্āĻ˜ āĻŽেā§ŸাāĻĻী āĻ¸āĻŽāĻ¸্āĻ¯া; 
ā§§ā§Ž। hinder -āĻŦ্āĻ¯াāĻšāĻ¤ āĻ•āĻ°া; āĻŦিāĻ˛āĻŽ্āĻŦিāĻ¤ āĻ•āĻ°া; 
ā§§ā§¯। the  efficient implementation-āĻ•াāĻ°্āĻ¯āĻ•āĻ° āĻŦাāĻ¸্āĻ¤āĻŦাā§ŸāĻ¨; 
ā§¨ā§Ļ। development schemes-āĻ‰āĻ¨্āĻ¨ā§ŸāĻ¨ āĻĒāĻ°িāĻ•āĻ˛্āĻĒāĻ¨া; 
ā§¨ā§§। At a meeting of  secretaries-āĻ¸āĻšিāĻŦāĻĻেāĻ° āĻāĻ• āĻŽিāĻŸিং āĻ/āĻ…āĻ§িāĻŦেāĻļāĻ¨ে; 
ā§¨ā§¨। from all ministries and divisions, concerns-āĻ¸ংāĻļ্āĻ˛িāĻˇ্āĻŸ āĻ¸āĻ•āĻ˛ āĻŽāĻ¨্āĻ¤্āĻ°āĻŖাāĻ˛ā§Ÿ āĻāĻŦং āĻŦিāĻ­াāĻ—েāĻ°;  
ā§¨ā§Š। were also raised -āĻ‰āĻ¤্āĻĨাāĻĒিāĻ¤āĻ“ āĻšā§ŸেāĻ›িāĻ˛; 
ā§¨ā§Ē। as many as eight or nine projects- ā§Ž/ā§¯ āĻŸাāĻ° āĻŽāĻ¤ো āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ•āĻ˛্āĻĒ; 
ā§¨ā§Ģ। at a time-āĻāĻ•āĻ‡ āĻ¸āĻŽā§Ÿে; 
ā§¨ā§Ŧ।  even though-āĻāĻŽāĻ¨āĻ•ি; 
ā§¨ā§­। there are rules stating that-āĻŦিāĻ§ি/āĻ¨িā§ŸāĻŽ āĻ•āĻ°া āĻšāĻš্āĻ›ে āĻ¯ে; 
ā§¨ā§Ž। one person cannot be -āĻāĻ•āĻœāĻ¨ āĻŦ্āĻ¯āĻ•্āĻ¤ি āĻšāĻ¤ে āĻĒাāĻ°āĻŦে āĻ¨া; 
ā§¨ā§¯। the  director for multiple projects-āĻāĻ•াāĻ§িāĻ• āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ•āĻ˛্āĻĒেāĻ° āĻĒāĻ°িāĻšাāĻ˛āĻ•; 
ā§Šā§Ļ। Directors are absent from project sites-āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ•āĻ˛্āĻĒ āĻšিāĻ¤্āĻ° āĻĨেāĻ•ে āĻĒāĻ°িāĻšাāĻ˛āĻ•āĻ°া āĻ…āĻ¨ুāĻĒāĻ¸্āĻĨিāĻ¤ āĻĨাāĻ•ে; 
ā§Šā§§। officials design the project-āĻ•āĻ°্āĻŽāĻ•āĻ°্āĻ¤াāĻ°া āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ•āĻ˛্āĻĒেāĻ° āĻ¨āĻ•āĻļা āĻ•āĻ°ে; 
ā§Šā§¨।   without testing its feasibility-āĻāĻ° āĻ¸āĻŽ্āĻ­াāĻŦ্āĻ¯āĻ¤া āĻ¯াāĻšাāĻ‡ āĻ•āĻ°া āĻ›াā§œাāĻ‡/āĻŦ্āĻ¯āĻ¤ীāĻ¤; 
ā§Šā§Š। as a  result -āĻ¯াāĻ° āĻĢāĻ˛ে; 
ā§Šā§Ē। costs increase-āĻ–āĻ°āĻš āĻŦৃāĻĻ্āĻ§ি āĻĒাā§Ÿ/āĻ–āĻ°āĻš āĻŦাā§œে; 
ā§Šā§Ģ। there is lag in implementation-āĻŦাāĻ¸্āĻ¤āĻŦাā§ŸāĻ¨ āĻĒিāĻ›িā§Ÿে āĻĨাāĻ•ে; 
ā§Šā§Ŧ। Even the Planning Minister MA Mannan admitted that-āĻāĻŽāĻ¨āĻ•ি āĻĒāĻ°িāĻ•āĻ˛্āĻĒāĻ¨া āĻŽāĻ¨্āĻ¤্āĻ°ী āĻāĻŽāĻ āĻŽাāĻ¨্āĻ¨াāĻ¨ āĻ¸্āĻŦীāĻ•াāĻ° āĻ•āĻ°েāĻ›েāĻ¨ āĻ¯ে; 
ā§Šā§­। rules get "ignored on some occasions"-āĻ•িāĻ›ু āĻ•িāĻ›ু āĻ•্āĻˇেāĻ¤্āĻ°ে āĻ¨িā§ŸāĻŽ āĻ­āĻ™্āĻ— āĻšā§ŸেāĻ›ে; 
ā§Šā§Ž। Cabinet Secretary-āĻŽāĻ¨্āĻ¤্āĻ°িāĻĒāĻ°িāĻˇāĻĻ āĻ¸āĻšিāĻŦ; 
ā§Šā§¯। reminded the  secretaries that-āĻ¸āĻšিāĻŦāĻĻেāĻ°āĻ•ে āĻ¸্āĻŦāĻ°āĻŖ/āĻŽāĻ¨ে  āĻ•āĻ°িā§Ÿে āĻĻিā§ŸেāĻ›েāĻ¨; 
ā§Ēā§Ļ। provisions for punishment-āĻļাāĻ¸্āĻ¤িāĻ° āĻŦিāĻ§াāĻ¨; 
ā§Ēā§§। if rules and  regulations are not followed-āĻ¨িā§ŸāĻŽ-āĻ¨ীāĻ¤ি āĻ…āĻ¨ুāĻ¸āĻ°āĻŖ āĻ•āĻ°া āĻ¨া āĻšāĻ˛ে; 
ā§Ēā§¨। Cost escalations-āĻ–āĻ°āĻš āĻŦৃāĻĻ্āĻ§ি; 
ā§Ēā§Š। modification of component-āĻ…āĻŦā§ŸāĻŦেāĻ° āĻ¸ংāĻļোāĻ§āĻ¨; 
ā§Ēā§Ē। time extensions -āĻ¸āĻŽā§Ÿ āĻŦৃāĻĻ্āĻ§ি;
ā§Ēā§Ģ। unfortunately-āĻĻুāĻ°্āĻ­াāĻ—্āĻ¯āĻ•্āĻ°āĻŽে; 
ā§Ēā§Ŧ। become a norm-āĻ¨িā§ŸāĻŽে āĻĒāĻ°িāĻŖāĻ¤ āĻšāĻ“ā§Ÿা; 
ā§Ēā§­। we  appreciate-āĻ†āĻŽāĻ°া āĻ¸āĻšāĻŽāĻ¤ āĻĒোāĻˇāĻŖ āĻ•āĻ°āĻ›ি/āĻ¤াāĻ°িāĻĢ āĻ•āĻ°āĻ›ি; 
ā§Ēā§Ž। the planning ministry's-āĻĒāĻ°িāĻ•āĻ˛্āĻĒāĻ¨া āĻŽāĻ¨্āĻ¤্āĻ°ীāĻ°; 
ā§Ēā§¯। candour and concern-āĻ¸্āĻĒāĻˇ্āĻŸāĻŦাāĻĻিāĻ¤া āĻāĻŦং āĻ‰āĻĻ্āĻ¯োāĻ—; 
ā§Ģā§Ļ। in this regard-āĻāĻ‡ āĻ•্āĻˇেāĻ¤্āĻ°ে; 
ā§Ģā§§। we can't help but wonder-āĻ†āĻŽāĻ°া āĻ…āĻŦাāĻ• āĻ¨া āĻšā§Ÿে āĻĒাāĻ°ি āĻ¨া; 
ā§Ģā§¨। steps, if any, it has taken -āĻ¯āĻĻি āĻ•োāĻ¨ো āĻĒāĻĻāĻ•্āĻˇāĻĒ āĻ¨েā§Ÿা āĻšā§Ÿে āĻĨাāĻ•ে; 
ā§Ģā§Š। over the years-āĻŦāĻ›āĻ°েāĻ° āĻĒāĻ° āĻŦāĻ›āĻ° āĻ§āĻ°ে; 
ā§Ģā§Ē। to ensure that rules-āĻ āĻ¨িā§ŸāĻŽāĻ—ুāĻ˛ো āĻ¨িāĻļ্āĻšিāĻ¤ āĻ•āĻ°āĻŖে/āĻ¨িāĻļ্āĻšিāĻ¤ āĻ•āĻ°āĻ¤ে; 
ā§Ģā§Ģ। project deadlines are followed-āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ•āĻ˛্āĻĒেāĻ° āĻļেāĻˇ āĻ¸āĻŽā§Ÿ āĻ…āĻ¨ুāĻ¸āĻ°āĻŖ āĻ•āĻ°া āĻšā§Ÿ; 
ā§Ģā§Ŧ। corruption-āĻĻুāĻ°্āĻ¨ীāĻ¤; 
ā§Ģā§­। put in check-āĻĒāĻ°ীāĻ•্āĻˇা āĻ¨িāĻ°ীāĻ•্āĻˇা āĻ•āĻ°া; 
ā§Ģā§Ž। the implementation phases-āĻŦাāĻ¸্āĻ¤āĻŦাā§ŸāĻ¨ āĻĒāĻ°্āĻ¯াā§Ÿ; 
ā§Ģā§¯। repeated instances of corruption-āĻŦাāĻ°āĻŦাāĻ° āĻĻুāĻ°্āĻ¨ীāĻ¤িāĻ° āĻĻৃāĻˇ্āĻŸাāĻ¨্āĻ¤; 
ā§Ŧā§Ļ। inefficiency-āĻ…āĻĻāĻ•্āĻˇāĻ¤া; 
ā§Ŧā§§। a lack of  foresight-āĻĻুāĻ°āĻĻāĻ°্āĻļিāĻ¤াāĻ° āĻ…āĻ­াāĻŦ; 
ā§Ŧā§¨। no  one has been held responsible for-āĻ•েāĻ‰ āĻĻাā§Ÿী āĻšā§ŸāĻ¨ি; 
ā§Ŧā§Š। the exponential increase-āĻ¸ূāĻšāĻ•ীā§Ÿ/āĻ—াāĻŖিāĻ¤িāĻ• āĻŦৃāĻĻ্āĻ§ি; 
ā§Ŧā§Ē।  in costs -āĻŦ্āĻ¯ā§Ÿে; 
ā§Ŧā§Ģ। the unacceptable delays in implementation-āĻŦাāĻ¸্āĻ¤āĻŦাā§ŸāĻ¨ে āĻ…āĻ—্āĻ°āĻšāĻŖāĻ¯োāĻ—্āĻ¯ āĻŦিāĻ˛āĻŽ্āĻŦ; 
ā§Ŧā§Ŧ। ordinary citizens-āĻ¸াāĻ§াāĻ°āĻŖ āĻœāĻ¨āĻ—āĻŖ; 
ā§Ŧā§­।  i.e-āĻ…āĻ°্āĻĨাā§Ž; 
ā§Ŧā§Ž। taxpayers-āĻ•āĻ°āĻĻাāĻ¤া; 
ā§Ŧā§¯। We were encouraged -āĻ†āĻŽāĻ°া āĻ†āĻļাāĻ¨্āĻŦিāĻ¤/āĻ‰ā§ŽāĻ¸াāĻšিāĻ¤; 
ā§­ā§Ļ।  last year when he announced that-āĻ—āĻ¤ āĻŦāĻ›āĻ° āĻ¤িāĻ¨ি āĻ¯āĻ–āĻ¨ āĻ˜োāĻˇāĻŖা āĻ•āĻ°েāĻ›িāĻ˛েāĻ¨ āĻ¯ে; 
ā§­ā§§। no project would be revised  -āĻ•োāĻ¨ো āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ•āĻ˛্āĻĒ āĻĒুāĻ¨āĻ°্āĻŦিāĻŦেāĻšāĻ¨া āĻ•āĻ°া āĻšāĻŦে āĻ¨া; 
ā§­ā§¨। more than twice-āĻĻুāĻ‡āĻŦাāĻ°েāĻ° āĻŦেāĻļি; āĻĻুā§ŸেāĻ° āĻ…āĻ§িāĻ•; 
ā§­ā§Š। implementation agencies-āĻŦাāĻ¸্āĻ¤āĻŦাā§ŸāĻ¨ āĻ¸ংāĻ¸্āĻĨা; 
ā§­ā§Ē। explain  any delay-āĻ•োāĻ¨ো āĻ§āĻ°āĻŖেāĻ° āĻŦিāĻ˛āĻŽ্āĻŦেāĻ° āĻŦ্āĻ¯াāĻ–া āĻĻেā§Ÿা; 
ā§­ā§Ģ। but it remains unclear -āĻ¤āĻŦে āĻāĻŸা āĻ°ā§ŸেāĻ›ে āĻ…āĻ¸্āĻĒāĻˇ্āĻŸ; 
ā§­ā§Ŧ। announcement was realised-āĻ˜োāĻˇāĻŖা āĻŦাāĻ¸্āĻ¤āĻŦাā§ŸিāĻ¤ āĻšā§ŸেāĻ›িāĻ˛; 
ā§­ā§­। approved-āĻ…āĻ¨ুāĻŽোāĻĻāĻ¨ āĻĻেā§Ÿা āĻšā§ŸেāĻ›ৈ; 
ā§­ā§Ž। 18  amended projects-ā§§ā§ŽāĻŸি āĻ¸ংāĻļোāĻ§িāĻ¤ āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ•āĻ˛্āĻĒ; 
ā§­ā§¯। under nine ministries-ā§¯āĻŸি āĻŽāĻ¨্āĻ¤্āĻ°āĻŖাāĻ˛ā§ŸেāĻ° āĻ…āĻ§ীāĻ¨; 
ā§Žā§Ļ। in June and  July this year-āĻ—āĻ¤ āĻŦāĻ›āĻ°েāĻ° āĻœুāĻ¨, āĻœুāĻ˛াāĻ‡ āĻŽাāĻ¸ে; 
ā§Žā§§। on average-āĻ—ā§œে; 
ā§Žā§¨। the cost of these projects  increased -āĻāĻ¸āĻŦ āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ•āĻ˛্āĻĒেāĻ° āĻŦ্āĻ¯ā§Ÿ/āĻ–āĻ°āĻš āĻŦৃāĻĻ্āĻ§ি āĻĒেā§ŸেāĻ›ে/āĻŦেā§œেāĻ›ে; 
ā§Žā§Š। unacceptable-āĻ…āĻ—্āĻ°āĻšāĻŖāĻ¯োāĻ—্āĻ¯; 
ā§Žā§Ē। We urge the concerned ministries-āĻ†āĻŽāĻ°া āĻ¸ংāĻļ্āĻ˛িāĻˇ্āĻŸ āĻŽāĻ¨্āĻ¤্āĻ°āĻŖাāĻ˛ā§ŸāĻ—ুāĻ˛িāĻ° āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ¤ি āĻ†āĻšāĻŦাāĻ¨ āĻœাāĻ¨াāĻš্āĻ›ি; 
ā§Žā§Ģ। particularly -āĻŦিāĻļেāĻˇ āĻ•āĻ°ে; 
ā§Žā§Ŧ। take urgent and exacting steps-āĻĻ্āĻ°ুāĻ¤ āĻāĻŦং āĻ•āĻ োāĻ° āĻŦ্āĻ¯āĻŦāĻ¸্āĻĨা āĻ¨েā§Ÿা; 
ā§Žā§­। rectify the long-standing issues-āĻĻীāĻ°্āĻ˜āĻŽেā§ŸাāĻĻী āĻ‡āĻ¸্āĻ¯ু āĻ¸ংāĻļোāĻ§āĻ¨ āĻ•āĻ°া;  
Prepared by: Md Mohiuddin
********āĻāĻŦাāĻ° āĻŽূāĻ˛ āĻ¸āĻŽ্āĻĒাāĻĻāĻ•ীā§ŸāĻŸি āĻĒā§œি********
Planning ministry frustrated with the state of development projects!
But will it take steps to rectify the problems hindering timely implementation?
We share the planning ministry's frustration over repeated  modifications in projects, long delays, increased costs, failure to  conduct proper feasibility tests and flouting of rules and regulations  of high-ups, among other long-standing problems that hinder the  efficient implementation of development schemes. At a meeting of  secretaries from all ministries and divisions, concerns were also raised  about people directing as many as eight or nine projects at a time,  even though there are rules stating that one person cannot be the  director for multiple projects. Directors are absent from project sites  and officials design the project without testing its feasibility, as a  result of which costs increase and there is lag in implementation. Even  the Planning Minister MA Mannan admitted that rules get "ignored on some  occasions" while Cabinet Secretary Khandker Anwarul Islam reminded the  secretaries that there are provisions for punishment if rules and  regulations are not followed.
Cost escalations, modification of components and time extensions of  development projects have, unfortunately, become a norm, and while we  appreciate the planning ministry's candour and concern in this regard,  we can't help but wonder what steps, if any, it has taken over the years  to ensure that rules and project deadlines are followed and that  corruption is put in check from the design to the implementation phases.  Despite repeated instances of corruption, inefficiency and a lack of  foresight on the part of those directing and designing the projects, no  one has been held responsible for the exponential increase in costs or  the unacceptable delays in implementation, for which ordinary citizens,  i.e. taxpayers, have to suffer. We were encouraged by the planning  minister last year when he announced that no project would be revised  more than twice and that implementation agencies would have to explain  any delay, but it remains unclear if, and to what extent, that  announcement was realised.
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A working paper by the planning ministry stated that it approved 18  amended projects worth Tk 51,113 crore under nine ministries in June and  July this year, but that on average, the cost of these projects  increased by 34.86 percent—in some cases, the cost increased by 100  percent. This is unacceptable. We urge the concerned ministries,  particularly the planning ministry, to take urgent and exacting steps to  rectify the long-standing issues impeding the timely and cost-effective  implementation of development projects. 

Prepared by: Md Mohiuddin Sir.
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#āĻ“āĻ¸āĻŽাāĻ¨ি #āĻ†āĻ¤্āĻŽāĻ¸āĻŽāĻ°্āĻĒāĻŖ āĻ…āĻ¨ুāĻˇ্āĻ াāĻ¨ #āĻŽিāĻļāĻ° #Egypt ā§§. āĻŦাংāĻ˛া āĻ­াāĻˇা āĻ“ āĻ¸াāĻšিāĻ¤্āĻ¯ ā§§. āĻš্āĻ¯াāĻ¨্āĻĄāĻ¨োāĻŸ āĻāĻŦং āĻ¤āĻĨ্āĻ¯āĻŦāĻšুāĻ˛ āĻšিāĻ¤্āĻ° ā§§ā§Ļ. āĻ¨ৈāĻ¤িāĻ•āĻ¤া āĻŽূāĻ˛্āĻ¯āĻŦোāĻ§ āĻ“ āĻ¸ুāĻļাāĻ¸āĻ¨ ā§§ā§§. āĻŦিāĻ­িāĻ¨্āĻ¨ āĻĒāĻ°ীāĻ•্āĻˇাāĻ° āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻļ্āĻ¨ āĻ“ āĻ¸āĻŽাāĻ§াāĻ¨ ā§¨. āĻ‡ংāĻ°েāĻœি āĻ­াāĻˇা āĻ“ āĻ¸াāĻšিāĻ¤্āĻ¯ ā§Š. āĻŦাংāĻ˛াāĻĻেāĻļ āĻŦিāĻˇāĻ¯়াāĻŦāĻ˛ি ā§Ē. āĻ†āĻ¨্āĻ¤āĻ°্āĻœাāĻ¤িāĻ• āĻŦিāĻˇāĻ¯়াāĻŦāĻ˛ি ā§Ēā§Ļā§ĻāĻŸি āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻļ্āĻ¨োāĻ¤্āĻ¤āĻ°: āĻ•āĻŽ্āĻĒিāĻ‰āĻŸাāĻ° āĻāĻŦং āĻ•āĻŽ্āĻĒিāĻ‰āĻŸাāĻ°-āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ¯ুāĻ•্āĻ¤ি 43rd BCS ā§Ģ. āĻ­াāĻ‡āĻ­া āĻŦোāĻ°্āĻĄ ā§Ģ. āĻ­ূāĻ—োāĻ˛ (āĻŦাংāĻ˛াāĻĻেāĻļ āĻ“ āĻŦিāĻļ্āĻŦ) āĻĒāĻ°িāĻŦেāĻļ āĻ“ āĻĻুāĻ°্āĻ¯োāĻ— āĻŦ্āĻ¯āĻŦāĻ¸্āĻĨাāĻĒāĻ¨া ā§Ģā§¨ āĻĨেāĻ•ে ā§­ā§§ ā§Ŧ. āĻ¸াāĻ§াāĻ°āĻŖ āĻŦিāĻœ্āĻžাāĻ¨ ā§­ āĻŽাāĻ°্āĻš ā§­. āĻ•āĻŽ্āĻĒিāĻ‰āĻŸাāĻ° āĻ“ āĻ¤āĻĨ্āĻ¯āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ¯ুāĻ•্āĻ¤ি ā§Ž. āĻ—াāĻŖিāĻ¤িāĻ• āĻ¯ুāĻ•্āĻ¤ি ā§¯. āĻŽাāĻ¨āĻ¸িāĻ• āĻĻāĻ•্āĻˇāĻ¤া āĻ…āĻ¨ুāĻĒ্āĻ°েāĻ°āĻŖা āĻ…āĻ¨ুāĻĒ্āĻ°েāĻ°āĻŖা - Motivation āĻ†āĻ‡āĻ¨āĻ•াāĻ¨ুāĻ¨ āĻ†āĻ¨্āĻ¤āĻ°্āĻœাāĻ¤িāĻ• āĻ†āĻ¨্āĻ¤āĻ°্āĻœাāĻ¤িāĻ• āĻšুāĻ•্āĻ¤ি āĻ†āĻ¨্āĻ¤āĻ°্āĻœাāĻ¤িāĻ• āĻŦিāĻˇā§Ÿ: āĻ¸ীāĻŽাāĻ°েāĻ–া āĻ†āĻ¨্āĻ¤āĻ°্āĻœাāĻ¤িāĻ• āĻ¸ীāĻŽাāĻ°েāĻ–া āĻ†āĻĒāĻĄেāĻŸ āĻ†āĻĒāĻĄেāĻŸ āĻ¤āĻĨ্āĻ¯ āĻ†āĻŦিāĻˇ্āĻ•াāĻ° āĻ“ āĻ†āĻŦিāĻˇ্āĻ•াāĻ°āĻ• āĻ†āĻ˛োāĻšিāĻ¤ ā§§ā§§ āĻœāĻ¨ āĻ•āĻŦি-āĻ¸াāĻšিāĻ¤্āĻ¯িāĻ• āĻ“ āĻ¤াঁāĻĻেāĻ° āĻ°āĻšāĻ¨াāĻŦāĻ˛ী āĻ‡ংāĻ°েāĻœি āĻ‡ংāĻ°েāĻœি āĻ¸াāĻšিāĻ¤্āĻ¯ āĻ‰āĻĒাāĻ§ি āĻ“ āĻ›āĻĻ্āĻŽāĻ¨াāĻŽ āĻāĻŸāĻ°্āĻ¨ি āĻœেāĻ¨াāĻ°েāĻ˛ āĻāĻŦাāĻ° āĻ¯াāĻĻেāĻ° āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻĨāĻŽ āĻŦিāĻ¸িāĻāĻ¸ āĻ•āĻŽ্āĻĒিāĻ‰āĻŸাāĻ° āĻ•āĻŽ্āĻĒিāĻ‰āĻŸাāĻ° āĻ“ āĻ¤āĻĨ্āĻ¯ āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ¯ুāĻ•্āĻ¤ি āĻ—āĻŖিāĻ¤ āĻ—ুāĻ°ুāĻ¤্āĻŦāĻĒূāĻ°্āĻŖ āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻļ্āĻ¨ āĻ—ুāĻ°ুāĻ¤্āĻŦāĻĒূāĻ°্āĻŖ āĻŦৈāĻœ্āĻžাāĻ¨িāĻ• āĻ¨াāĻŽ āĻ—ুāĻ°ুāĻ¤্āĻŦāĻĒূāĻ°্āĻŖ āĻļāĻŦ্āĻĻ āĻĒāĻ°িāĻšিāĻ¤ি āĻšāĻ°্āĻ¯াāĻĒāĻĻ āĻšāĻ°্āĻ¯াāĻĒāĻĻেāĻ° āĻ•āĻŦিāĻ—āĻŖ āĻœাāĻ¤ীāĻ¯় āĻœ্āĻžাāĻ¨-āĻŦিāĻœ্āĻžাāĻ¨েāĻ° āĻļাāĻ–া āĻāĻŦং āĻœāĻ¨āĻ• āĻœ্āĻ¯াāĻŽিāĻ¤িāĻ• āĻ¸ূāĻ¤্āĻ° āĻĻেāĻļী āĻŦিāĻœ্āĻžাāĻ¨ীāĻ°া āĻ¨āĻĻ-āĻ¨āĻĻী āĻ¨āĻŦāĻŽ-āĻĻāĻļāĻŽ āĻļ্āĻ°েāĻŖিāĻ° āĻŦাংāĻ˛া āĻŦ্āĻ¯াāĻ•āĻ°āĻŖ āĻĒāĻ¤্āĻ°িāĻ•া āĻāĻŦং āĻ›āĻĻ্āĻŽāĻ¨াāĻŽ āĻĒāĻĻ āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ•āĻ°āĻŖ āĻĒāĻ°āĻ°াāĻˇ্āĻŸ্āĻ°āĻ¨ীāĻ¤ি āĻĒāĻ°াāĻŽāĻ°্āĻļ āĻĒāĻ°াāĻŽāĻ°্āĻļ V. V. V. I. āĻĒāĻ°িāĻŦেāĻļ āĻ“ āĻĻুāĻ°্āĻ¯োāĻ— āĻŦ্āĻ¯āĻŦāĻ¸্āĻĨাāĻĒāĻ¨া āĻĒāĻ°িāĻŽিāĻ¤িāĻ° (Mensuration) āĻ¸ূāĻ¤্āĻ°াāĻŦāĻ˛িāĻ¸āĻŽূāĻš āĻĒাঁāĻšāĻŽিāĻļাāĻ˛ী āĻ¤āĻĨ্āĻ¯ + āĻ¸াāĻ§াāĻ°āĻŖ āĻœ্āĻžাāĻ¨ āĻĒাāĻ°িāĻ­াāĻˇিāĻ• āĻļāĻŦ্āĻĻ āĻĒুāĻ°াāĻ¤āĻ¨ āĻ“ āĻ¨āĻ¤ুāĻ¨ āĻ¨াāĻŽ āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ¤িāĻļāĻŦ্āĻĻ āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻĨāĻŽ āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ•াāĻļিāĻ¤ āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ¸্āĻ¤ুāĻ¤িāĻšীāĻ¨ āĻŦিāĻ¸িāĻāĻ¸ āĻ¯াāĻ¤্āĻ°া āĻĢāĻ˛া āĻāĻŦং āĻ¯ুāĻ•্āĻ¤াāĻ•্āĻˇāĻ° āĻĢাঁāĻĻ āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻļ্āĻ¨ āĻĢিāĻ˛িāĻ¸্āĻ¤িāĻ¨ Palestine āĻĢ্āĻ°াāĻ¨্āĻ¸েāĻ° āĻ‡āĻ¸āĻ˛াāĻŽ-āĻŦিāĻĻ্āĻŦেāĻˇ āĻŦāĻ™্āĻ—āĻŦāĻ¨্āĻ§ু āĻ¸্āĻ¯াāĻŸেāĻ˛াāĻ‡āĻŸ āĻŦাংāĻ˛া āĻŦাংāĻ˛া āĻ“ āĻ‡ংāĻ°েāĻœি āĻ¸াāĻšিāĻ¤্āĻ¯েāĻ° āĻŽিāĻ˛āĻŦāĻ¨্āĻ§āĻ¨ āĻŦাংāĻ˛া āĻŦ্āĻ¯াāĻ•āĻ°āĻŖ āĻŦাংāĻ˛া āĻ­াāĻˇা āĻ“ āĻ¸াāĻšিāĻ¤্āĻ¯ āĻŦাংāĻ˛া āĻļāĻŦ্āĻĻাāĻ°্āĻĨ āĻŦাংāĻ˛া āĻ¸াāĻšিāĻ¤্āĻ¯ āĻŦাংāĻ˛া āĻ¸াāĻšিāĻ¤্āĻ¯েāĻ° āĻĻুāĻ‡ āĻŽāĻšাāĻ°āĻĨী āĻŦাংāĻ˛াāĻĻেāĻļ āĻŦাংāĻ˛াāĻĻেāĻļ āĻ“ āĻŦিāĻļ্āĻŦāĻĒāĻ°িāĻšāĻ¯় āĻŦাংāĻ˛াāĻĻেāĻļ āĻŦিāĻˇāĻ¯়াāĻŦāĻ˛ি āĻŦাāĻ—āĻ§াāĻ°া āĻŦাāĻ¨াāĻ¨ āĻļুāĻĻ্āĻ§িāĻ•āĻ°āĻŖ āĻŦিāĻ—āĻ¤ āĻĒāĻ°ীāĻ•্āĻˇাāĻ¸āĻŽূāĻš āĻŦিāĻĒ্āĻ˛āĻŦ āĻŦিāĻ­āĻ•্āĻ¤ি āĻŦিāĻ¸িāĻāĻ¸ āĻĒāĻ°াāĻŽāĻ°্āĻļ āĻŦিāĻ¸িāĻāĻ¸ āĻ­াāĻ‡āĻ­া āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ¸্āĻ¤ুāĻ¤ি āĻŦুāĻĻ্āĻ§িāĻœীāĻŦী āĻšāĻ¤্āĻ¯াāĻ•াāĻŖ্āĻĄ āĻ­াāĻˇা āĻ†āĻ¨্āĻĻোāĻ˛āĻ¨ āĻ­ূāĻ—োāĻ˛ āĻ­ৌāĻ—োāĻ˛িāĻ• āĻ‰āĻĒāĻ¨াāĻŽ āĻ­্āĻ¯াāĻ•āĻ¸িāĻ¨ āĻ•ূāĻŸāĻ¨ীāĻ¤ি āĻāĻŦং āĻŦাংāĻ˛াāĻĻেāĻļ āĻŽāĻĄেāĻ˛ āĻŸেāĻ¸্āĻŸ āĻŽāĻĄেāĻ˛āĻŸেāĻ¸্āĻŸ āĻŽāĻšাāĻ•াāĻļ āĻŽুāĻ•্āĻ¤িāĻ¯ুāĻĻ্āĻ§ āĻŽুāĻ•্āĻ¤িāĻ¯ুāĻĻ্āĻ§ āĻ­িāĻ¤্āĻ¤িāĻ• āĻ¸াāĻšিāĻ¤্āĻ¯āĻ•āĻ°্āĻŽ āĻŽুāĻ•্āĻ¤িāĻ¯ুāĻĻ্āĻ§েāĻ° āĻŦীāĻ°āĻ¤্āĻŦāĻĒূāĻ°্āĻŖ āĻ–েāĻ¤াāĻŦ āĻŽুāĻ•্āĻ¤িāĻ¯ুāĻĻ্āĻ§েāĻ° āĻ¸াāĻšিāĻ¤্āĻ¯āĻ­াāĻŖ্āĻĄাāĻ° āĻ¯ুāĻ•্āĻ¤ āĻŦāĻ°্āĻŖ āĻ˛িāĻ–িāĻ¤ āĻ—াāĻ‡āĻĄāĻ˛াāĻ‡āĻ¨ āĻ˛িāĻ–িāĻ¤ āĻĒāĻ°ীāĻ•্āĻˇা āĻ˛েāĻ–া āĻ“ āĻ˛েāĻ–āĻ• āĻļেāĻˇ āĻŽুāĻšুāĻ°্āĻ¤েāĻ° āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ¸্āĻ¤ুāĻ¤ি āĻ“ āĻĒāĻ°াāĻŽāĻ°্āĻļ āĻļ্āĻ°েāĻˇ্āĻ  āĻŦাāĻ™াāĻ˛ি ✏️✏️ āĻ¸ংāĻŦিāĻ§াāĻ¨ āĻ¸ংāĻŦিāĻ§াāĻ¨ āĻ¸ংāĻļোāĻ§āĻ¨ী āĻ¸āĻĻāĻ°-āĻĻāĻĒ্āĻ¤āĻ° āĻ¸āĻ­্āĻ¯āĻ¤া āĻ¸āĻŽাāĻ¸ āĻ¸াāĻœেāĻļāĻ¨ āĻ¸াāĻ§াāĻ°āĻŖ āĻœ্āĻžাāĻ¨ āĻ¸াāĻ§াāĻ°āĻŖ āĻŦিāĻœ্āĻžাāĻ¨ āĻ¸াāĻŽ্āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ¤িāĻ• āĻ¸াāĻšিāĻ¤্āĻ¯-āĻ‰ā§ŽāĻ¸āĻ°্āĻ— āĻ¸াāĻšিāĻ¤্āĻ¯িāĻ• āĻ¸াāĻšিāĻ¤্āĻ¯ে āĻ•āĻ¨āĻĢিāĻ‰āĻļāĻ¨ āĻ¸্āĻĨাāĻĒāĻ¤্āĻ¯ āĻ“ āĻ¸্āĻĨāĻĒāĻ¤ি āĻ¸্āĻĒোāĻ•েāĻ¨ āĻ‡ংāĻ˛িāĻļ All Things Review Bangladesh Constitution BCS Preliminary Question Analysis BCS Preparation Special Episodes BCS Questions Earn Money Eat Chew Drink Take Have ? English Grammar English Grammar Exercises with Answers English Grammar Test English Literature Essay Writing General Science ICT Idioms and Phrases International financial institutions Love Stories in Literature Nobel Prize One Word Substitution Preposition Quiz Redundancy āĻŦাāĻšুāĻ˛্āĻ¯ (āĻĻোāĻˇ) Shortcut to Preposition Spoken English Terrorism Transformation of Sentences 👍 Translation United Nations Vocabulary Warrant of Precedence World Wars

āĻāĻŸি āĻŦিāĻ¸িāĻāĻ¸ āĻĒāĻ°ীāĻ•্āĻˇাāĻ° āĻœāĻ¨্āĻ¯ āĻ…āĻ¨েāĻ• āĻ—ুāĻ°ুāĻ¤্āĻŦāĻĒূāĻ°্āĻŖ:

Literary Terms 

1. Simile (āĻ‰āĻĒāĻŽা):

āĻĻুāĻŸি āĻ†āĻ˛াāĻĻা āĻŦāĻ¸্āĻ¤ু āĻŦা āĻĻুāĻ‡āĻœāĻ¨ āĻŦ্āĻ¯āĻ•্āĻ¤িāĻ° āĻŽāĻ§্āĻ¯ে as, like, resemble, the same as āĻ‡āĻ¤্āĻ¯াāĻĻি āĻļāĻŦ্āĻĻāĻ—ুāĻ˛ােāĻ° āĻ‰āĻ˛্āĻ˛েāĻ– āĻ•āĻ°ে āĻ¸āĻ°াāĻ¸āĻ°ি āĻ¤ুāĻ˛āĻ¨া āĻ•āĻ°াāĻ•ে simile āĻŦāĻ˛ে। 

Example -

• I wandered lonely as a cloud. 

• Youth (is) like summer morn.

• My heart is like a singing bird. 

• He is as cunning as a fox. 

2. Metaphor (āĻ°ূāĻĒāĻ•):

āĻĻুāĻŸি āĻ†āĻ˛াāĻĻা āĻŦāĻ¸্āĻ¤ু āĻŦা āĻĻুāĻ‡āĻœāĻ¨ āĻŦ্āĻ¯āĻ•্āĻ¤িāĻ° āĻŽāĻ§্āĻ¯ে comparision āĻāĻ° āĻļāĻŦ্āĻĻāĻ¸āĻŽূāĻš (āĻ¯েāĻŽāĻ¨: as, such, like āĻ‡āĻ¤্āĻ¯াāĻĻি) āĻŦ্āĻ¯āĻŦāĻšাāĻ° āĻ¨া āĻ•āĻ°েāĻ‡ āĻ¤ুāĻ˛āĻ¨া āĻ•āĻ°াāĻ•ে metaphor āĻŦāĻ˛ে। 

Example -

• Liza is a rose.

• Life is but a walking shadow. 

• Nazrul is fire.

• My brother was boiling mad. 

Note: āĻāĻ•āĻ‡ āĻœাāĻ¤ীāĻ¯় āĻŦিāĻˇāĻ¯়āĻŦāĻ¸্āĻ¤ুāĻ° āĻŽāĻ§্āĻ¯ে āĻ¤ুāĻ˛āĻ¨া āĻšāĻ˛ে ......... Read More 

📓 āĻĒুāĻ°ো āĻ†āĻ°্āĻŸিāĻ•েāĻ˛/āĻĒোāĻ¸্āĻŸāĻŸি āĻĒāĻĄ়ুāĻ¨